To think Tattle Life gossiping is necessary? | Mumsnet (2024)



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bottomsup12 · 25/07/2024 08:29

Immediately thoughts are that it's not nice to gossip and everyone should "be kind". However, in this day and age of social media influencers etc, everyone acknowledges that people show the best bits of their life, all the ups and rarely the downsides.

We are also told to stop comparing to others on this basis as we never know what's going on behind someone's glamorous life.

Therefore, I put it to you MNers, that the b*tchiness that occurs on Tattle Life (and is IS very much so) is a necessary antidote to the fake lives we can't help comparing ourselves to.

Instead of sitting here wondering how everyone else manages to have such a great time while you're broke hardly able to pay your bills, it's reassuring to see other people cutting through the crap and pointing out the other parts of their life.

I'd argue it's a necessary by product of social media antics and the naturally occurring ying to the social media glamorous yang!

What are your thoughts?

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frankincenseandoranges · 25/07/2024 08:30

It's yin, not ying 🤦🏼‍♀️


Imworriedagain · 25/07/2024 08:31

Disagree. I've been on it recently to see what it's like and was absolutely shocked. So much hatred and why?
I was checking out a thread about someone who is a very nice humble YouTuber, not a show off or anything like that. Some people just like to spit their venom and it's sad.


paintedpumpkins · 25/07/2024 08:32

Or you could just not follow influencers and find more meaningful ways to spend your time?


ClemFandangooo · 25/07/2024 08:32

I agree. Some threads take it way too far and are just bullying but I think a place to discuss influencers and their bullsh*t is fine and better to do it there than directly on their profiles


EmoCourt · 25/07/2024 08:33

paintedpumpkins · 25/07/2024 08:32

Or you could just not follow influencers and find more meaningful ways to spend your time?


I have no issue with not being all #BeKind, but is this really a worthwhile way to spend your one life?


Fullyflavoured · 25/07/2024 08:36

I've never compared my life to an influencer because I give no f*cks about their lives.



Mrsjayy · 25/07/2024 08:37

paintedpumpkins · 25/07/2024 08:32

Or you could just not follow influencers and find more meaningful ways to spend your time?

I mean there is this, you could just not look at them and you wouldn't need to .collectively tear them apart online.


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To think Tattle Life gossiping is necessary? | Mumsnet (1)

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bottomsup12 · 25/07/2024 08:37

frankincenseandoranges · 25/07/2024 08:30

It's yin, not ying 🤦🏼‍♀️

Wonderful addition to the thread. It's true I have very fat clumsy thumbs thank you for pointing this out I hope you feel better do

OP posts:


bottomsup12 · 25/07/2024 08:39

Imworriedagain · 25/07/2024 08:31

Disagree. I've been on it recently to see what it's like and was absolutely shocked. So much hatred and why?
I was checking out a thread about someone who is a very nice humble YouTuber, not a show off or anything like that. Some people just like to spit their venom and it's sad.

Agree it is absolutely unhinged and I'd never bother making an account. The people seem to have infinite time for thinking negatively about people they've never met!

But my point is it's a natural reaction arising from the toxic positivity of lots of social media these days

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Floboe · 25/07/2024 08:40

I think it depends what threads you look at. Some are awful, but the only ones I ever read are some of the health/running influencer ones, and to be honest they are just very honest.

So many of these people are glamorising disordered eating and exercise addiction, train terribly, buy fake followers, get given sh*t loads of free stuff and block out any feedback that isn't absolutely fawning over them.
It's healthy to have a place where others (who are accomplished athletes!) call out their BS and stop you feeling like you're going mad.
If people decide to become full time influencers - and in some cases sell their coaching services to the unsuspecting public - they 100% deserve to have their nonsense discussed and recorded publicly.

I do expect those threads are on the less extreme side of Tattle discussions though!


Mrsjayy · 25/07/2024 08:41

It isn't a natural reaction though it's just another way too gossip and be nasty about people collectively so the gang mentality comes Into play.


Over40Overdating · 25/07/2024 08:43

Whilst it’s good that people hold influencers / social media types to account and expose the seedier side, I think the majority of people on tattle are there just to be bitchy and awful under the guise of ‘telling it like it is’.

There is a vast difference between telling the truth and holding people to account and getting your jollies from being obsessive and vitriolic.

The cancer threads seem especially bad for it. The way they ripped Deborah James to shred and then when she died went into mourning for her as their hero was unhinged.

They also have it in for one cancer survivor and advocate in particular and it’s disgusting what they say about this woman under the guise of ‘exposing’ her when all she’s doing is living her life.

Her dress sense is slated, she’s repeatedly called ugly and ‘manly’, she’s mocked for being single, for being lonely, for being sexual. This woman’s crime was to be a young cancer patient and now cancer survivor. None of that is warranted despite how much the posters has each other up for ‘telling it like it is’.


Pigeonqueen · 25/07/2024 08:43

Tattle is absolutely vile. I follow a lot of you tube travel vloggers, just normal people documenting their travels and they get absolutely ripped to shreds on there. It completely put me off the site. On one of the threads about this particular person people were posting screenshots from their recent round the world cruise just to have a pop at them about their weight and one even posted a photo of their hand from a bit where they were having dinner to say it looked like a pigs trotter. Just disgusting and nothing short of bullying. Haven’t been back to the site since.

Imagine being that sad that you purposefully watch things you clearly aren’t even interested in just to rip them apart.


Mrsjayy · 25/07/2024 08:45

I do think someinfluencers are toxic and if they make a lot of money and have the :"likes " it distorts thinking and it isn't healthy, the Internet can be a curse but I don't think trolling on tattle is the answer.


melisma · 25/07/2024 08:48

It does depend on the thread on Tattle. The threads for some influencers, for example, are utterly and needlessly brutal. The Strictly threads on the other hand have always been snarky, yes, but also hilarious, and the commentary on all the recent scandals has mostly been really balanced and interesting.


Mrsjayy · 25/07/2024 08:48

@Pigeonqueen you are right, why do these people watch things just to tear them apart .


BaselineDrop · 25/07/2024 08:50

Influencing is/was totally unregulated. There are ways to approach TV/magazines/advertising if they are telling lies or misrepresenting their products and services or themselves but if influencers lie or even directly solicit donations it’s just “be kind, don’t read it if you don’t like it” and your comments are deleted.
Which isn’t really OK when vulnerable people are being encouraged to spend their money - and it’s always vulnerable people who get sucked in. That’s why we have basic standards of advertising.
The ASA will now sanction influencers which I think is a direct result of the existence of Tattle and similar sites.
There’s still a huge problem with influencers exploiting and over exposing their children which I would like to see regulated.
Some Tattle threads are horrible and really upsetting with so much misogyny. A real bottom feeder vibe and I avoid them. But some threads are really necessary.


ProfessorInkling · 25/07/2024 08:52

Tattle is great. Posters there remove the veil influencers try and hide behind. And they are funny as hell.


Rainbowsponge · 25/07/2024 08:53

I definitely think if you seek to make easy money by flogging good you patently never use yourself, you should expect people to criticise. That’s literally what influencers are - they seek to influence, so they can’t whinge when they ‘influence’ but it lands wrong.


ginandlemonade23 · 25/07/2024 08:54

I agree, I lurk on some threads and they're not bad. Very amusing and I think it's important to have a space to call out influencers for lying / misrepresenting things. It's also opened my eyes to some influencer behaviours

I haven't seen some of the really bad threads though


Mrsjayy · 25/07/2024 08:55

But calling out these influences who might be lying ,, specifically on a chat site isn't going actually call them out imo it just looks bitchy,nasty and bullying,

I don't know what the answer is but sitting on tattle calling someone greedy or ugly isn't the answer.


feathermucker · 25/07/2024 08:58

Some of the stuff on there is absolutely vile. It's fine to question and critique how influencers operate but Tattle goes beyond that........and then some. Social Services have been called, disgusting comments made about children, hideous comments on looks and generally stuff that goes way beyond what could be considered normal questioning.

Some people on there get such extreme pleasure from absolutely tearing apart influencers etc they cannot claim to be anything other than nasty, vicious women.

Influencers need to be held to account but Tattle doesn't do that.


FOJN · 25/07/2024 08:59

Don't consume obviously curated social media then you won't need an antidote to the fakery.

Or continue to consume both knowing that neither make you happy.


Mrsjayy · 25/07/2024 09:04

I follow some "creators" they call them selves now I think they want to distance themselves from the toxic influencer name, anyway I follow because I think they are interesting, entertaining .or funny I don't use the Internet to make myself miserable I don't understand people who do.


MartyFunkhouser · 25/07/2024 09:08

Some posters on Tattle are really nasty. I’m all for gossip about celebs, and can’t be doing with the sanctimony that seems to proliferate on MN these days, but Tattle can go too far. I hope Kat Farmer doesn’t read it 😮



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To think Tattle Life gossiping is necessary? | Mumsnet (2024)


What is the point of tattle life? ›

Founded in 2018, Tattle Life is a gossip forum dedicated to dissecting the lives of women in the public eye. Quietly, without mainstream recognition, Tattle has become one of the most-visited – and hate-filled – websites in the UK.

What is the meaning of tattle life? ›

Tattle Life users speculate about influencers' lives, spout rumours, make hateful comments about them, and judge their life decisions. By Alice Porter on February 28, 2024. Credit: Ian Moore / Mashable. The lives of influencers can be transfixing.

How is tattle life allowed? ›

Tattle Life describes itself as a “commentary website” on which anonymous strangers can openly discuss and critique social media influencers, bloggers and anyone else who chooses to “monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain”.

Why does tattle exist? ›

Tattle Life describes itself as a platform for “commentary and critiques of people that choose to monetise their personal life as a business and release it into the public domain”, framing itself as a space where users can hold the rich and famous to account.

Why is tattling considered bad? ›

Although it's a natural reaction for many children to want to tell on someone when they do something wrong, tattling is usually frowned upon by most kids, parents, and teachers. When you tattle, you're inserting yourself into a situation that most likely doesn't and shouldn't involve you.

When should you tattle on someone? ›

Tattling is reporting a peer's wrongdoing, when the situation is safe and the child can handle it herself. Telling is alerting adults that the situation is not safe and/or your child needs help managing the situation. Tattling to get a peer in trouble can be mean-spirited.

What does tattle gossip mean? ›

: to utter or disclose in gossip or chatter.

What is the purpose of a tattle tale? ›

A tattletale is a person who tries to get someone in trouble by revealing secret information about them. Your tattletale brother will probably tell your parents that you were actually at the movies, not the library. The word tattletale is mostly used in the U.S. (in Britain it's more common to use telltale).

Why do people tattle on others? ›

The child tattling wants to get someone else in trouble or avoid blame. The child tattling may have something to gain, such as attention or popularity. No one is hurt or in danger. It is not an important problem and can be solved without an adult.

What is a tattle code? ›

What is a tattle code? A code to let someone sign up to Tattle Life. It's a website. I wouldn't give a code out because you can be banned for doing so.

How do you use tattle? ›

She was such a tattle-tale. They tattle when he opens the refrigerator.

What is a tattle account? ›

One of the gossip sites with the biggest reputations is Tattle Life (aka Tattle), a British-based forum where there are hundreds of thousands of posts about influencers. Tattle calls itself a “commentary website on public business social media accounts” and its users tend mainly to be based in Britain and Ireland.

Why are some adults tattle tales? ›

They may thrive on turmoil and delight in observing many people upset. They also may engage in the behavior in retaliation for something that person may have done many years ago or may have a different viewpoint than they have. They may also be jealous professionally of the individual who they are telling on.

What is tattle about others? ›

to let out secrets. to chatter, prate, or gossip.

What does don't tattle mean? ›

​tattle (on somebody) (to somebody) to tell somebody, especially somebody in authority, about something bad that somebody else has done synonym tell on somebody. You should learn that you just don't tattle on classmates.

What is the point of tattletail? ›

Tattletail is a survival horror game created by Waygetter Electronics. The game features Furby-like toys called Baby Talking Tattletail, which the player must care for while avoiding the pursuit of its recalled predecessor, Mama Tattletail.

What is the psychology of tattling? ›

So, children who tattle have obtained enough social-emotional skills to refrain from hitting, but not enough to solve the problem on their own. Tattling also implies some degree of understanding of right and wrong, or at least an ability to predict what behavior adults are likely to disapprove of.

Why do people like to tattle? ›

Why Adults Tattle. Tattling is a bid for attention. It's mean-spirited and often an attempt to get someone else in trouble. Children do it until they develop other problem-solving strategies, but unfortunately, some adults have not progressed past the tattletale stage.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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