The next 17 years of periodical cicadas (2024)

In 2021, Brood X emerged in Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York (not yet extinct), Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C. But, what about the next 17 years?

The next 17 years of periodical cicadas (1)
Some stages of a Magicicada’s life cycle: Top, Left to Right: cicada egg (Troutman), freshly hatched nymph (Troutman), second and third instar nymphs (Bonaros). Bottom, Left to Right: fourth instar nymph, teneral adult, adult. (Mozgai).

Here’s a list of periodical cicada emergences for the next seventeen years, including Magicicada in the United States, Chremistica ribhoi in India, and Raiateana knowlesi in Fiji.

2022: World Cup World Cup Cicada time

No Magicicada broods will emerge. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers.

The World Cup Cicada, Chremistica ribhoi, will emerge in India. Learn more about Chremistica ribhoi which has a 4-year cycle that synchronizes with the football/soccer World Cup.

2023: the Quiet Year

No Magicicada broods will emerge. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers.

Enjoy your local annual cicada species.

2024: the Big Year

Two Magicicada Broods, Brood XIII and Brood XIX (the Great Southern Brood) will emerge in the United States. Brood XIII has a 17-year cycle and is found in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Brood XIX has a 13-year cycle and is found in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. That’s 19 states of periodical cicadas!

Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere as well.

2025: Brood XIV and the Nanai in Fiji

17-year Magicicada Brood XIV will emerge is found in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Possible undocumented spurious Magicicada broods and stragglers elsewhere as well. Most likely 4-year precursors from Brood I.

A periodical cicada with an 8-year cycle will emerge in Fiji: the Nanai aka Raiateana knowlesi.

2026: Stragglers and World Cup

Some 4-year precursors/stragglers from Brood II, will “make a buzz” in the news as Brood II emerges in heavily populated areas of New Jersey and Staten Island New York. Possible undocumented spurious Magicicada broods and stragglers elsewhere as well.

The World Cup Cicada, Chremistica ribhoi, will emerge in India again. Learn more about Chremistica ribhoi. World Cup

2027: super-cool Brood 22

13-year Magicicada Brood XXII will emerge in Ohio, Kentucky, Lousiana, and Mississippi.

Some Brood III straggersvwill emerge in Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri. Possible undocumented spurious Magicicada broods and stragglers elsewhere as well.

2028: The Mississippi Valley Brood

13-year Magicicada Brood XXIII, the Mississippi Valley Brood, will emerge in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Lousiana, Missouri, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

Some Brood IV stragglers will emerge in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.

2029: The Shenandoah Valley Brood

17-year Magicicada Brood I, aka the Shenandoah Valley Brood, will emerge in Tennesee, Virginia, and West Virginia.

Some Brood V stragglers will emerge in Long Island, New York, western Maryland, eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, most of West Virginia, and northern Virginia. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

2030: The Lesser Eastern Brood

17-year Magicicada Brood II, the Lesser Eastern Brood, will emerge in Connecticut, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Pennslyvania, and Virginia. This brood gets a lot of attention because it emerges in heavily-populated New Jersey and Staten Island New York.

Some Brood VI stragglers will emerge in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma and Ohio. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

The World Cup Cicada, Chremistica ribhoi, will emerge in India. World Cup

2031: The Iowan Brood

17-year Magicicada Brood III, the Iowan Brood, will emerge in Iowa, Illnois, and Missouri.

Some Brood VII stragglers will emerge in Onondaga County, New York. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

2032: The Kansan Brood

17-year Magicicada Brood IV, the Kansan Brood, will emerge in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Some Brood VIII stragglers will emerge in eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, Hanco*ck county West Virginia, and part of Oklahoma. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

2033: fantastic Brood 5 and the Nanai.

17-year Magicicada Brood V will emerge in Long Island, New York, western Maryland, eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, most of West Virginia, and northern Virginia.

Some Brood IX stragglers will emerge in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

The Nanai aka Raiateana knowlesi will emerge in Fiji.

2034: splendid Brood 6, some Brood 10 stragglers, and the World Cup Cicada

17-year Magicicada Brood VI will emerge in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, and maybe New York (and maybe Oklahoma).

Some Brood X stragglers will emerge, typically in areas with dense populations like Princeton, NJ. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

The World Cup Cicada, Chremistica ribhoi, will emerge in India. World Cup

Dan is 65 and can retire. But retire from Cicadas?! Never!

2035: The Onondaga Brood

17-year Magicicada Brood VII will emerge in Onondaga County, New York.

Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

2036: great Brood 8

17-year Magicicada Brood VIII will emerge in eastern Ohio, western Pennsylvania, Hanco*ck county West Virginia, and part of Oklahoma.

Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

2037: Brood 9, Brood 19 and some Brood 13 stragglers

17-year Magicicada Brood IX will emerge in North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia.

Brood XIX has a 13-year cycle and is found in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Some Brood XIII stragglers will emerge in Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois and Indiana. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

2038: the Great Eastern Brood X is Back!

17-year Magicicada Brood X cicadas will emerge in Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York (not yet extinct), Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C.

Some Brood XIV stragglers will emerge 4 years early in Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia. Possible undocumented spurious broods and stragglers elsewhere.

The World Cup Cicada, Chremistica ribhoi, will emerge in India. World Cup.

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Regarding the concepts mentioned in this article, let's break them down and discuss each one:

Brood X and Magicicada Emergences:

In 2021, Brood X emerged in several states in the United States, including Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington D.C..

The article also mentions the emergence of different broods of Magicicada, which are periodical cicadas. These cicadas have long life cycles and emerge in large numbers periodically. For example, in 2024, Brood XIII and Brood XIX will emerge in the United States. Brood XIII has a 17-year cycle and is found in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Brood XIX has a 13-year cycle and is found in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Chremistica ribhoi and Raiateana knowlesi:

The article mentions the emergence of Chremistica ribhoi in India. Chremistica ribhoi is a type of cicada that has a 4-year cycle that synchronizes with the football/soccer World Cup.

Additionally, the article mentions Raiateana knowlesi, which is a periodical cicada with an 8-year cycle that emerges in Fiji.

Other Broods and Stragglers:

The article also mentions the emergence of other broods of Magicicada in different years. For example, in 2025, Brood XIV will emerge in several states, including Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.

Furthermore, the article mentions the emergence of stragglers and undocumented spurious broods in various years and locations.

World Cup Cicada:

The World Cup Cicada, Chremistica ribhoi, is mentioned multiple times in the article. It emerges in India and has a 4-year cycle that synchronizes with the football/soccer World Cup.

These are the main concepts discussed in this article. If you have any specific questions or would like more information on any of these topics, feel free to ask!

The next 17 years of periodical cicadas (2024)


The next 17 years of periodical cicadas? ›

There are two types of periodical cicadas — ones that come out every 13 years and ones that come out every 17 years. They emerge in broods, which are labeled with Roman numerals. In 2024, two broods will emerge: Brood XIX, which is on a 13-year cycle, and Brood XIII, which is on a 17-year cycle.

Is 2024 a double cicada year? ›

That's because 2024 will see two separate batches of periodical cicadas emerge en masse, spread across much of the eastern half of the U.S. These insects crawl out of the ground once every 13 or 17 years for a rush of mating and egg-laying until all the adults die, and the next generation is tucked underground until ...

What year is the next 17-year cicada? ›

2024 is a special year for periodical cicadas:

For the first time since 2015 a 13-year brood will emerge in the same year as a 17-year brood. For the first time since 1998 adjacent 13-and 17-year broods will emerge in the same year. For the first time since 1803 Brood XIX and XIII will co-emerge.

Will there be cicadas in 2025? ›

Periodical cicada Brood XIV (14) will emerge in the spring of 2025 in Georgia, Kentucky, Indiana, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia.

What happens every 17 years with cicadas? ›

This spring Indiana will see the emergence of the 17-year cicadas (Brood X). Once every 17 years they emerge en masse, climb up trees, sing (though it sounds more like screaming), mate, and lay their eggs on the tips of tree branches.

Will cicada brood overlap in 2024? ›

Dual cicada brood emergence in 2024

This spring, the 13-year Brood XIX and the 17-year Brood XIII will co-emerge in Illinois for the first time since 1803. It is a chance to see all seven periodical cicada species as adults in one year, not happening again until 2037.

Where will the cicadas be in 2025? ›

Brood XIII (13-year) is shown by blue dots, and Brood XIX (17 year) is shown with red dots. Now, let's prep ourselves for 2025 because that's when the 17-year Cicadas show up for Kentucky, southern Ohio, western West Virginia, Tennessee, western North Carolina, and western Virginia.

How do you prepare for cicadas 2024? ›

Make it Air-Tight

Before cicada season, check your home for points of entry and seal 'em up! Especially when you have a large swarm, cicadas might accidentally fly in an open door or window. Make sure your window screens are in good condition, and look around for cicadas before opening and closing doors to the outside.

Do all cicadas come out every 17 years? ›

Like all cicadas, they live most of their lives underground. However, 12 of these broods only emerge every 17 years. The other three broods emerge every 13 years. Elsewhere on the planet, cicadas emerge each year.

Do cicadas come out every 7 years? ›

Periodical cicadas are about 1-1.5 inches long, though their wingspan is about double that length. They can be distinguished by their orange-colored veins and large red eyes. There are seven different species of cicadas, three of which surface every 17 years, while the remaining broods emerge every 13 years.

What bug is coming in 2024? ›

Here's what you need to know about these buzzing bugs. Periodical cicadas aren't present every spring, but when they do emerge, they come in loud, buzzing hordes. This year, trillions of these beady-eyed bugs are expected to appear in several U.S. states.

What kills cicadas? ›

Sevin Insect Killer Dust Ready to Use kills periodical cicadas in lawns or on ornamental shrubs and flowers. Apply a thin, thorough dusting to affected parts of the plant at the first sign of cicada damage. This dust starts working immediately upon contact.

Where can I see cicadas in 2024? ›

Map: Cicada double-brood event this year

Brood XIX is also expected to emerge in spring of 2024 in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia, according to Cicada Mania.

What bug comes out every 7 years? ›

Periodical cicadas are insects that spend most of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding off the sap of tree roots. They emerge to transform into adults and mate.

Do cicadas sleep for 7 years? ›

Cicadas do not hatch out of the ground (they hatched from eggs in tree branches 17 years ago), and they do not “hibernate” (they are underground actively feeding).

What's the difference between a cicada and a locust? ›

Cicadas, locusts, and grasshoppers are all herbivorous winged insects with some ability to make noise. Cicadas have big, clear wings and a rounded body. Locusts are a bit smaller and have a slim, straight body, with big hind legs for leaping. Cicadas are known for the distinctive loud sound that they make.

Will there be cicadas in NJ 2024? ›

The cicadas will be found as far north as Wisconsin and as far south as Georgia, but New Jersey and the rest of the Northeast will be spared.

Will there be cicadas in Ohio 2024? ›

For the Chicago area, Brood XIII will be most seen in parts of northern Illinois and Indiana, and possibly even in Wisconsin and Ohio, in late May 2024, Dr. Gene Kritsky, dean of Behavioral and Natural Sciences at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, said in a 2023 press release.

Will there be cicadas in maryland 2024? ›

Periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp., emerge every 13 or 17 years, depending on the species. In Maryland, the 13-year Brood XIX is predicted to emerge in spring 2024 in southern areas of St. Mary's County.

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