The Carleton Hodge collection: books from the library of Carleton Hodge (2024)

Collection Inventory


box 27

Allis, Oswald T. Five books of Moses a reexamination of the modern theory that the Pentateuch is a late compilation from diverse and conflicting sources by authors and editors whose identity is completely unknown. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company , 1943

box 28

Allis, Oswald T. God spake by Moses an exposition of the Pentateuch. [Sticker of the distributer over publisher information] Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House , 1951

box 28


box 8

Beauclerk, Henry. Jesus his life in the very words of the four Gospels a diatessaron. London: Burns and Oates, Limited , 1896

box 8

Bible. (t.p. for O.T. is missing using N.T.) New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, [1800s?].

box 22

Bible. Biblia, das ist die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers; mit eines jeden capitels kurzen Summarien, auch... Erste Auflage. Reading: Gottlob Jungmnn , 1805

box 19

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of his Majesty King James I of England. With marginal notes and references... Philadelphia: Printed and Published by Mathew Carey , 1806

box 25

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with marginal notes and references, and the explanatory notes of Osterv Ald... embellished with maps, and a number of elegant historical engravings. New York: Printed and sold by Collins, Perkins, and Co. , 1806-1807 (N.T. t.p. has date of 1806)

box 26

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha at large; and illustrated with notes and annotations, theological, practical and divine: the whole forming a neat family bible, embellished with thirty beautiful engravings. By the Rev. Mr. Ostervald, ... Stourbridge: printed and published by J. Heming , 1808

box 14

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, ... (center of page has a hole) with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Boston: Printed by Greenough and Stebbins , 1809

box 34

Bible. Scripture expositor; a new commentary critical and practical, on the Holy Bible; in which difficult passages are explained, mistranslations corrected, and apparent contradictions reconciled, by reference to the labors of the most celebrated critics and commentators, ancient and modern; particularly to the treasures of eastern literature. ... by the Rev. Samuel Burder, A.M. ... In Two Volumes. London: Albion Press printed for J. and J. Cundee , [1811?]

box 34

Vol. I, pt. I. Genesis to end of Samuel 2

box 34

Vol. I, pt. II. 1 Kings to end of Psalms

box 34

Vol. II, pt. I. Proverb to end of Malachi

box 34

Vol. II, pt. II. Matthew to end of Revelations

box 26

Bible. New family bible, containing the old and new testaments, with notes, illustrations, and practical improvements, selected from the exposition of the Rev. Matthew Henry. By the Rev. E. Bloomfield. Embellished with fifty beautiful engravings. Bungay: printed and published by C. Brightly and Co., published also by T. Kinnersley , 1811

box 26

Vol. 1

box 26

Vol. 2

box 38

Bible. (O.T. title page missing. Using information from N.T. t.p.) Heilige Schrift neuen testaments unser herrr Jesu Christi, ferdeeutschet von Doktor Martin Luther; mit jeden capitels kurzen summarien und richtigen schriftstellen auf das duetlichste fersehen. Minden: Georg Wilhelm E?smann , 1811

box 14

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. London: Stereotyped for the Bible Society at Philadelphia, by T. Rutt , 1812

box 38

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. London: Stereotyped for the Bible Society at Philadelphia, by T. Rutt(No covers) , 1812

box 14

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Boston: Printed for Thomas and Andrews, West and Richardson, and West and Blake by W. Greenough , 1814

box 19

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of his majesty King James I of England. With marginal notes and references. To which are added... Philadelphia: Printed and Published by M. Carey , 1815

box 7

Bible. Biblia, das ist die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. Die CXX auflage. Halle: Cansteinischen Bibel – Anstalt , 1816

box 19

Bible. Old testament translated out of the original Hebrew, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Together with the Apocrypha: done by the special command of King James I of England. Philadelphia: Printed and Published by M. Carey(T.p. for whole Bible missing; N.T. t.p. has same imprint information) , 1816

box 50

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old & new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With marginal notes and references. Together with the Apocrypha. ... Brattleborough, Vt.: J. Hollbrook's Stereotype Copy seventh edition , 1816-1817 (N.T. t.p. imprint 1816)

box 18

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments, together with Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by the special command of his Majesty King James I of England. With marginal notes and references. ... Philadelphia: Printed and Published by M. Carey , 1816-1817 (N.T. t.p. imprint 1817)

box 14

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Boston: Hudson and Co. , 1817

box 22

Bible. (O.T. t.p. is missing) Das Neue testament unsers HCrrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, verdeutsch fon D. Martin Luther. Dreizehente Auflage. Stututtgart: mit ?ebenden Schriften dedrucht, und zu finden ben der privilegirten Bible = An?alt , 1821

box 49

Bible. [Holbrook & Fessenden's stereotype hot-press edition.] The holy bible: containing the old & new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, with marginal notes and references. ... Brattleborough, Vt.: Holbrook & Fessenden , 1821

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments. Translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Stereotyped by D. & G. Bruce , 1821-1823 (N.T. imprint date 1821)

box 16

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: H.C. Carey & I. Lea , 1823

box 52

Bible. Kimber and Sharpless' Stereotype edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal notes and references. ... Stereotyped by E. White, New-York. Philadelphia: Kimber and Sharpless , [1823-1844?] (Date range from a note by Hodge)

box 14

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: stereotyped for the American Bible Society by D. & G. Bruce , 1824

box 38

Bible. Holy Bible, translated from the Latin vulagt: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, in divers languages. The Old Testament, first published by the English College at Doway, A.D. 1609. and New Testament, first published by the English College at Rhemes, A.D. 1582. ... First stereotype, from the fifth Dublin edition. ... Philadelphia: Eugene Cummiskey , 1824

box 38

Bible. Holy Bible, translated from the Latin vulagt: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions, in divers languages. The Old Testament, first published by the English College at Doway, A.D. 1609. and New Testament, first published by the English College at Rhemes, A.D. 1582. ... First stereotype, from the fifth Dublin edition. ... Philadelphia: Eugene Cummiskey , 1824-1831 (date on N.T. t.p. 1831)

box 42

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal notes and references. To which are added an index: and an alphabetical table of all the names in the old and new testaments with their significations. ... Stereotyped for Collins and Co. by B. & J. Collins. Boston: Published by C. Ewer and T. Bedlington , 1825

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Published by George W. Mentz , 1826

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal notes and references together with the apocrypha. ... Boston: Published by C. Ewer and T. Bedlington, printed by J.H.A. Frost , 1827

box 40

Bible. Stereotype edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised with copious marginal notes and references. To which are added, an index; an alphabetical table... [imprint information missing from O.T. t.p. information missing from O.T. t.p. information taken from N.T. t.p.] [Cooperstown: Printed by H. & E. Phinney for S. Thompson, York, (U.C.) , 1827]

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Published by George W. Mentz , 1827

box 7

Bible. Biblia, das ist die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers; mit eines jeden capitels kurzen Summarien, … Philadelphia : Kimber und Scharlpes , 1828

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Stereotyped for the American Bible Society by D. & G. Bruce , 1828

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal notes and references. ... New York: Daniel D. Smith , 1828

box 21

Bible. Biblia, das ist: die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers; mit eines jeden capitels kurzen Summarien, ... Philadelphia : In Stereotypen versertigt, von J. Howe, Kimber und Scharlpes Buchhandler , 1828

box 21

Bible. H. & E. Phinney's Stereotype edition The Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised with Canne's marginal notes and references. To which are added ... Cooperstown, N.Y.: Stereotyped, Printed and Published by H. & E. Phinney(No covers). , 1829

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Stereotyped by James Conner, for the American Bible Society , 1830

box 7

Bible. Biblia, das ist die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers; mit eines jeden capitels kurzen Summarien, ... Philadelphia : Kimber und Scharlpes , 1830

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society , 1830

box 40

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's Special Command. Appointed to be read in churches. Cambridge: Printed by J. Smith, Printer to the University. For the British and Foreign Bible Society , 1830

box 22

Bible. English version of the Pollyglott Bible; containing the old and new testaments: with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. London: Printed for Samuel Bagster(In English and Hebrew) (Only the old Testament is present). , 1831

box 48

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal notes and references... Stereotyped by B. & J. Collins. Boston: Langdon Coffin , 1831

box 37

Bible. Daniel D. Smith's stereotype edition. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised with Canne's marginal notes and references: ... stereotyped by J. Howe, Philadelphia. New York: Daniel D. Smith , 1832

box 40

Bible. H. & E. Phinney's stereotype edition the Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised with Canne's marginal notes and references. ... Cooperstown, (N.Y.): Stereotyped, printed and published by H. & E. Phinney , 1834

box 42

Bible. Fessendon & Co's edition. The English version of the polyglot bible, containing the old and new testaments, with the marginal readings, and a full and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, ... Brattleboro: Fessendon & Co. and Peck & Wood, and Boston: sold by Lincoln, Edmands & Co. and William Peirce , 1834

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Hartford, CT: Andrus & Judd , 1835

box 52

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues. and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with Canne's marginal notes and references. To which are added, an index; ... Woodstock, VT: N. Haskell , 1836

box 20

Bible. English version of the polyglot bible, containing the old and new testaments; with the marginal readings: together with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages. Exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. Philadelphia: stereotyped by L. Johnson Published by Desilver, Thomas & Co. , 1837

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Claremont, N.H.: Claremont Manufacturing Company's Power Press , 1838

box 52

Bible. Holy Bible; containing the old and new testaments, according to the authorized version; with the references and marginal readings of the polyglot bible, with numerous additions from Bagster's comprehensive bible. First edition. Hartford, Con.: Andrus, Judd, & Franklin , 1838

box 23

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised: with references and various readings. Illustrated with engravings. In two volumes (2 in 1) Baltimore: Joseph N. Lewis. John D. Toy, printer , [1838?]

box 12

Bible. English version of the polyglot bible, containing the old and new testaments; with the marginal readings: together with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages. Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait, & Co. , 1839

box 36

Bible. Holy Bible, translated from the Latin Vulgat: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek and other editions in divers languages the Old Testament, first published by the English College at Doway, A.D. 1609. and the New Testament, first published by the English College at Rhemes, A.D. 1582. with... first stereotype, from the fifth Dublin edition... Philadelphia: Eugene Cumminsky , 1839

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Baltimore: Armstrong and Berry , 1839

box 50

Bible. Die Bibel, oder die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments. Nach Dr. Martin Luther's uebersetzung. Zwolfte Auflage. Stereotypirt von J. Howe, Philadelphia. New York : Amerikanischen Bible=Gesllschaft , 1839

box 24

Bible. Alexander's stereotype edition the Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised: with Canne's marginal notes and references to which are added and index: and alphabetical table... Philadelphia: Stereotyped and published by C. Alexander & Co. , 1839 (N.T. t.p. date 183?)

box 2

Bible. Holy Bible &c. &c. &c. with notes by Rev. Henry Stebbing A.M. M.R.S.L. London: Allan Bell and Co. and Francis Orr & Sons, GlasgowNew Testament dated 1839. , 1830-1840

box 36

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. Oxford: Printed at the University Press by Samuel Collingwood and co. , 1840

box 53

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Stereotyped by L. Johnson, Philadelphia. Philadelphia: Ed. Barrington and Geo. D. Haswell , [1840?] (Date from a note by Hodge)

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw for the American Bible Society , 1841

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Printed by Daniel Fanshaw for the American Bible Society , 1842

box 20

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Printed by D. Fanshaw for the American Bible Society , 1843

box 36

Bible. Pictorial bible, being the old and new testaments according to the authorized version: illustrated with more than one thousand engravings, representing the historical events, after celebrated pictures; ... New York: J.S. Redfield and Philadelphia: Thomas, Cowperthwait, & Co., and Boston: Saxton, Pierce, & Co.(Pt. Of St. Matthew missing at beg. of N.T.) , 1843

box 36

Bible. English version of the Polyglott bible, containing the old and new testaments; with the marginal readings; together with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. With Psalms in metre. Philadelphia: Wm. Rutter & Co. , [1843?]

box 53

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Stereotype edition. Philadelphia: Bible Association of Friends in America , 1844

box 15

Bible. Devotional family Bible: with practical and experimental reflections on each verse of the Old and New Testaments, and rich marginal references. By the Rev. Alexander Fletcher D. D. London and New York: Virtue, Emmins & Roberts2 volumes. , [1844 or 1845?]

box 40

Bible. Der Bibel, oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten und neuen Testaments. Mit Tsugabe des dritten buchs der Maccabaer und des dritten und vierten buchs Efra, ... Philadelphia : Mentz und Roboudt , 1845

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1845

box 2

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongue and with the former translations compared and revised. Stereotype edition. Philadelphia: Bible Association of Friends in America , 1845

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1846

box 49

Bible. Illuminated bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues. and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With marginal readings, references and chronological dates. ... New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers , 1846

box 22

Bible. English version of the Polyglott Bible: containing the old and new testaments, with the marginal readings: together with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages. Exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. New York: American and Foreign Bible Society , 1847

box 4

Bible. (old testament t.p. missing starts w/chap V,VI signature a2 or page 5 information from new testament t.p.) New testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Hartford: S. Andrus & Son , 1847

box 16

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1848

box 11

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1848-1849 (N.T. has date of 1849)

box 54

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal references. Together with the Apocrypha and Concordance. To which are added, an index, a table of texts, and what has never before been added, an account of the lives and martyrdoms of the apostles and evangelists. ... stereotyped by James Conner, New York. Hartford: S. Andrus and Son. , 1849

box 54

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments together with the Apocrypha translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with Canne's marginal notes and references. ... Concordance, and the Psalms of David in metre. Philadelphia: Edward W. Miller , 1849

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old testament and the new: according to the commonly received version. New York: American and Foreign Bible Society , 1849-1850. (New Testament dated 1850)

box 15

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1850

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible; containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With marginal readings, references, and chronological dates. New York: George Lane & Levi Scott , 1850

box 18

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With Canne's marginal notes and references. ... Buffalo: Phinney & Co. , 1850-1851. (N.T. t.p. imprint 1851)

box 51

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. To which is appended, a concordance, the Psalms of David in metre, ... The text conformable to that of the American Bible Society. Philadelphia: I. Kohler , [1850-188?]

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society(2 copies same size and same cover). , 1851

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1851

box 48

Bible. Kimber & Sharpless' Edition. The holy bible, containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with Canne's marginal notes and references; to which are added an index, ... Philadelphia: Jesper Harding , 1851

box 48

Bible. Kimber & Sharpless' Edition. The holy bible, containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated from the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with Canne's marginal notes and references; to which are added an index, ... Philadelphia: Jesper Harding , 1851

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command. London: G.E. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode , 1853-1854 (New Testament has date of 1854)

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1853-1854

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command. London: G.F. Eyre and W. Spottiswoode , 1854

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1854

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1854

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. To which is appended, a Concordance, the Psalms of David in Metre, ... Cincinnati: Published by J.A. & U.P. James; stereotyped by A.C. James , 1854

box 11

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1855

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1855

box 21

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, together with Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. ... Philadelphia: John B. Perry , 1855

box 27

Bible. Comprehensive Bible: containing the old and new testaments, according to the authorized version, with the various readings and marginal notes usually printed therewith a general introduction, containing disquisitions... Philological and explanatory notes: ... Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. , 1855

box 4

Bible. English version of the polyglot bible, containing the old and new testaments; with the marginal readings; together with a copious and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, exhibited in a manner hitherto unattempted. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Grambo & Co. , 1855

box 11

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1856

box 54

Bible. Pictorial bible, being the old and new testaments according to the authorized version: illustrated with more than one thousand engravings, representing the historical events, after celebrated pictures; the landscape scenes, from original drawings, or from authentic engravings; and the subjects of natural history, costume, and antiquities, from the best sources. New York: Robert Sears , 1856

box 27

Bible. (O.T. t.p. is missing. And p.7-10 of Genesis missing information from N.T. t.p.) New Testament, according to the authorized version; with the marginal references, and the usual various readings. Also notes; reflections; questions; improved readings; ... by the Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A. illustrated with numerous descriptive engravings. [S.l.: s.n. , 1856] (Date from a note by Hodge)

box 14

Bible. (No t.p. in front of O.T. using info from N.T.) New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With marginal readings, references, and chronological dates. New York: T. Carlton & J. Porter , 1857

box 8

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1857

box 36

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1857

box 12

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society(Bottom half of N.T. page missing) , 1857

box 11

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1858

box 4

Bible. (No t.p. in front of O.T. using info from N.T.) New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1858

box 14

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. To which is appended, a Concordance, the Psalms of David in metere, ... Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Company , 1858

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1859

box 14

Bible. Hardings' fine edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, together with the Apocrypha, Concordance, and Psalms, and with the former translations... conformable to the original edition of the year of our Lord 1610, and the American Bible Society's Original Standard edition of 1816. Philadelphia: William W. Harding , 1862

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1862

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1863

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command. Oxford: University Press , 1864

box 30

Bible. Cottage Bible, and family expositor; containing the old and new testaments, with practical expositions and explanatory notes. By Thomas Williams ... to which are added, the references and marginal readings of the Polyglott Bible, together with ... embellished with maps and engravings. Edited by Rev. William Patton, D. D. Complete in two volumes. Hartford: Printed and Published by Case, Lockwood and Company , 1864

box 30


box 30


box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1864

box 4

Bible. Holy bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co. , 1864

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command. Oxford, University Press , 1865-1866. (New Testament with date of 1866)

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the new and old testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1865

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible. Containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1866

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1867

box 30

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1867

box 30

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, together with the Apocrypha, Concordance and Psalms, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Text conformable to the original edition of the year of our Lord 1610, ... Philadelphia: William W. Harding , 1867

box 47

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, according to the authorized version; with the marginal references, and the usual various readings. Also notes, reflections... by Rev. Ingram Cobbin. M.A. illustrated with numerous descriptive engravings. Hartford: Case, Lockwood and Company , 1867

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1868

box 12

Bible. Pronouncing bible. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; ... according to the orthoepy of John Walker. By Israel Alger, Jun. A. M. Pittsburgh: United Presbyterian Board of Publication , 1868

box 20

Bible. Comprehensive Bible; containing the old and new testaments, according to the authorized version with the various readings and marginal notes usually printed therewith. A general introduction, containing disquisitions... philological and explanatory notes: a table of contents... an index to the notes, introductions, and concluding remarks. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Company , 1869

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1869

box 13

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1869

box 33

Bible. Complete analysis of the Holy Bible: or, how to comprehend holy writ from its own interpretation, containing the whole of the old and new testaments, collected systematically arranged in thirty books; together with an introduction, ... So elaborated and arranged in alphabetical order as to direct at one to any subject required. By Rev. Nathaniel West, D.D. ... New York: A.J. Johnson, Publisher , 1869

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments; translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1870

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1870

box 16

Bible. Devotional and practical polyglot family bible, containing the old and new testaments, with the marginal readings, and a full and original selection of references to parallel and illustrative passages, arranged in a manner hitherto unattempted. Together with a concordance, a careful index to the bible, ... Cincinnati, OH: National Publishing Co. , 1870

box 53

Bible. Devotional family bible containing the old and new testaments according to the most approved copies of the authorized version with practical and experimental reflections on each verse and rich marginal references and readings. By the Rev. Alexander Fletcher, D.D. New York: Virtue and Yorston , [1870?]

box 16

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1871

box 16

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1872

box 19

Bible. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten and neuen testaments nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luther's. Berlin : Ferlad der Königlikhen Gehrimen Oder Hofbuchbrudere (R. f. Deder) , 1872

box 40

Bible. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten and neuen testaments. New York : Amerikanishe Bible Gesllschaft , 1872

box 33

Bible. Hitchco*ck's new and complete analysis of the holy bible: or, the whole of the old and new testaments arranged according to subjects in twenty-seven books. On the basis of Matthew Talbot, as improved with indexes, tables, and other valuable matter by Nathaniel West, D.D. ... Word of God. Revised and edited by Rev. Roswell D. Hitchco*ck, D.D. ... New York: A.J. Johnson , 1872

box 47

Bible. Latest illustrated polyglot family bible containing the old and new testaments, together with the Apocrypha: translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. To which are appended... New York and Cincinnati: C.F. Vent, (4 other publ. Locations and publs. Also listed) , 1872

box 4

Bible. Holy Bible, authorized version, carefully revised with Bagster's references in full. Pittsburgh: United Presbyterian Board of Publication , 1873

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1873-1874 (N.T. has imprint 1873)

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1874

box 40

Bible. Pictorial home bible, devotional and explanatory: containing the old and new testaments, with the apocrypha, concordance, and marginal references. The text conformable to the standard of the American Bible Society: ... Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Springfield: William Flint and Syracuse, N.T.: Watson Gill and Thompsonville, Conn., Horace King , 1874

box 41

Bible. Approved holy Catholic Bible. The Holy bible: containing the entire canonical scriptures, according to the decree of the council of Trent; translated from the Latin Vulgate: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek and other editions in divers languages. ... with annotations by the Rev. Dr. Challoner; to which is added the history of the Holy Catholic Bible, ... London and Ontario: Schuyler Smith and Company , [1875?]

box 16

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1878

box 33

Bible. Hitchco*ck's new and complete analysis of the holy bible: or, the whole of the old and new testaments arranged according to subjects in twenty-seven books. On the basis of Matthew Talbot, as improved with indexes, tables, and other valuable matter by Nathaniel West, D.D. ... Word of God. Revised and edited by Rev. Roswell D. Hitchco*ck, D.D., LL.D., ... New York: Alvin J. Johnson Son, and Pittsburg: W.D. Cummings, and Chicago: E.P. Kingsley , 1878

box 20

Bible. Holman's edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with complete concordance. Embracing every passage of scripture in the largest editions. Apocrypha and Psalms. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co. , 1879

box 43

Bible. Neue Illustrirte familien bibel, für häusliche erbauung und belehrung. Nthaltend das alte und neue testaments, mit den … mit einer einleitung von Rev. A. Martin … Cincinnati : F.? M.? Dillie & Co. , 187? (Date from verso of t.p. when it was entered according to an Act of Congress, but I can't read the last number of the date)

box 23

Bible. Standard edition. The Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with concordance and psalms of David in meter. The text conformable to the Oxford and the American Bible Society's standard editions. Chicago: David C. Cook , [1879-1882] (Dates are from the verso of t.p. when they were entered according to an act of congress, n.t. has 1882)

box 20

Bible. Holman's edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with complete concordance. Embracing every passage of scripture in the largest editions. Apocrypha and Psalms. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co. , 1880

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, By his Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. London; New York: Eyre and Spottiswoode , [1880-1889?]

box 17

Bible. A practical and explanatory commentary on the old testament. By the Rev. Robert Jamieson D.D., London: Virtue & Co. , 1881? [Imprint information from N.T. t.p., O.T. t.p. is loose; imprint date from Hodge note]

box 18

Bible. Holman's edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with the Concordance & Psalms of David in metre. The text conformable to the Oxford and the American Bible Society's standard editions. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Col , 1882

box 37

Bible. Die neue illustrirte familien bibel für häusliche erbauung und belehrung, enthaltend ds alte und neue testament mit den Apokruphen, der Concordanz, randparallelen, ... Indianapolis, IN and Troy, OH : Union Publishing Co. , 1882

box 19

Bible. Die Bibel oder die ganze Heilige Schrift des alten and neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. Refidirte ausgabe. Milvaukee : Berlad von Geo. Brumder , 1884-1887 (N.T. t.p. has imprint of 1884)

box 43

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the entire canonical scriptures, according to the decree of the council of Trent; translated from the Latin vulgate: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in divers languages the old testament, first published by the English college at Douay, A.D. 1609. The New testament, by the English college at Eheims, A.D. 1582. ... Boston: George V. Jones , 1884. (Date from verso of t.p. date entered according to Act of Congress)

box 3

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the authorized edition of the new testament, A.D. 1611, and the revised version of A.D. 1881 arranged in parallel columns; with complete concordance, ... Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co. , 1885

box 11

Bible. Approved holy catholic bible. The holy bible: containing the entire canonical scriptures, according to the decree of the council of Trent; translating from the Latin vulgate: diligently compared with the Hebrew, ... annotations by the Rev. Dr. Challoner; to which is added the history of the holy catholic bible, ... Philadelphia: John E. Potter and Company , [1885?] (Date from note by Hodge)

box 35

Bible. Parallel bible. Authorized edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues: being the King James version arranged in parallel columns with the revised version. Portland, Maine: H. Hallett & Company , [1885?] (Date from note by Hodge)

box 35

Bible. Parallel bible. Authorized edition. The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues: being the King James version arranged in parallel columns with the revised version. Portland, Maine: H. Hallett & Company , [1885?] (Date from note by Hodge)

box 51

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the authorized and revised versions of the old and new testaments arranged in parallel columns; the text conformable to that of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge: complete concordance, marginal references, chronological tables, a history of ancient biblical manuscripts with fac-similes of the same, the earliest printed editions of the Bible, a history of the revision of the Bible, etc. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman & Co.(Missing t.p.) , 1887

box 10

Bible. Neue Illustrirte Familien Bibel für Häushliche Erbauung und Belehrung, enthaltend das Alte und Neue Testament mit den Apokrnphen, der Concordanz, Randparallelen, ... Philadelphia : A.J. Holman & Co. , 1888

box 35

Bible. Altemus' Edition The Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with complete concordance, embracing every passage of scripture in the largest editions. Apocrypha and Psalms. Philadelphia: Henry Altemus , 1888

box 37

Bible. Die neue illustrirte heilige schrift für häusliche erbauung und belehrung, enthaltend ds alte und neue testament mit den Apokruphen, der Concordanz, randparallelen, …Pittsburg, PA : W. J. Giffith, 18??. (Can't read date on back of t.p.)

box 11

Bible. Holy Bible, translated from the Latin vulgate: diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek, and other editions in various languages. ... with annotations by the Rev. Dr. Challoner; ... New York: D. & J. Sadlier & Co. , 188? (Date from a note by Hodge)

box 31

Bible. Holy Bible or the old and new testaments containing the authorized and revised versions in parallel columns family pronouncing edition with pictorial illustrations and aids for readers and students. Cincinnati: Jones Brothers Publishing Company , [188?]

box 16

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1890

box 51

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; with a history and facsimile of the ancient manuscripts. The text conformable to the Oxford and the American Bible Society's standard editions. Chicago: R.S. Peale & Co. , 1890

box 5

Bible. Pronouncing edition of the Holy Bible. Containing the authorized and revised versions of the old and new testaments, arranged in parallel columns, giving the correct pronunciation of every scripture proper name contained in the bible, by Prof. S.W. Williams. Complete concordance: ... Indianapolis: Union Publishing Company , 1890

box 28

Bible. Altemus' edition the Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised; embracing every passage of the scripture in the largest editions. With complete Concordance, and Psalms. Philadelphia: Henry Altemus , 1891

box 5

Bible. Self-Pronouncing edition. In which all the proper names are divided, accented, and marked with the vowel sounds, showing how they should be pronounced. Holy Bible containing the King James and the revised versions of the old and new testaments arranged in parallel columns. The text conformable to that of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. ... Chicago: Chicago Publication & Lithograph Co. , 1892

box 34

Bible. Self-Pronouncing edition. In which all the proper names are divided, accented, and marked with the vowel sounds, showing how they should be pronounced. Holy Bible containing the King James and the revised versions of the old and new testaments arranged in parallel columns. ... [S.l.: s.n.(part of the title page is missing) , 1892?]

box 28

Bible. 1492 the jubilee year, in commemoration of the discovery of America. 1892 the pronouncing edition of the Holy Bible. Containing the authorized and revised versions of the old and new testaments, arranged in parallel columns, giving the correct pronunciation of every proper name... by Prof. S.W. Williams. ... Cincinnati: A.J. Conroy & Co., and St. Louis: Conroy Bros. , [1892] (according to Hodge note)

box 8

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1893

box 3

Bible. Holy Bible: containing the old and new testaments, translated out of the original tongues. with a complete concordance, embracing every passage of scripture in the largest editions. 100,000 marginal references and readings, ... with revised new testament, the old (King James') version and the revised version arranged in parallel columns for convenience... Philadelphia: National Publishing Co. , [1893?] (date from Hodge note in bible)

box 10

Bible. Self-pronouncing edition in which all the proper names are divided, accented, and marked with the vowel sounds, ... trade combination mark. Holy Bible showing in simple form all changes, additions and omissions that appear in the revised version, enabling all bible readers to see at a glance... containing the old and new testaments. Translated out of the original tongues, ... test conformable to that of the Oxford Bible, ... Philadelphia: Gately & Fitzgerald , 1895

box 6

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881-1885 newly edited by the American revision committee A.D. 1901 standard edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons2 copies. , 1900-1901 (New Testament dated 1900)

box 50

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881-1885. Newly edited by the American Revision Committee A.D. 1901 standard edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1901

box 38

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. With marginal notes and analytical references. New York: Henry F. Giere(Spine title: Wilmore's new analytical reference bible). , [1902?]

box 17

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, Limited; New York: James Pott and Co. , [1902?]

box 32

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments and the apocrypha. Boston: R.H. Hinkley Company , [1904?]

box 32

Vol. 1 Genesis and Exodus no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 2 Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 3 Joshua, Judges, Ruth and the first book of Samuel no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 4 Second Book of Samuel and the Books of the Kings no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 5 Books of the Chronicles Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 6 Book of Job and the book of Psalms no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 7 Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Solomon and Isaiah no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 8 Jeremiah, Lamentations and a portion of the Prophecy of Ezekiel no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 9 Conclusion of Ezekiel, the book of Daniel and the Minor Prophets no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 10 The Apocrypha, The First book of Esdras to Chapter XXI of Ecclesiasticus no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 11 The Apocrypha, Conclusion of Ecclesiasticus to end of the second book of the Maccabees no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 12 The Gospels according to Saint Mark and Saint Luke no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Vol. 13 The Gospel of Saint John, The Acts Epistle to Romans First Epistle to Corinthians no. 569 of 1000

box 32

Lacking vol. 14

box 35

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated into the Telugu language under the auspices of the British and Foreign Bible Society. [S.l.]: Madras auxiliary to the British and Foreign Bible Society S.P.C.K. Press , 1904

box 46

Bible. Bible for home reading edited with comments and reflections for the use of Jewish parents and children by C.G. Montefiore. London: Macmillan and Co., Limited and New York: Macmillan Company , 1907

box 46

First Part

box 46

Second Part

box 19

Biblia sacra vulgatæ editionis sixti v. pontificis maximi jussu recognita et Clementis VIII. Auctoritate edita nunc novissime ad exemplar vaticanum epressa cura Augustini Arndt S.J. … editio Quarta. Ratisbonæ, Romæ, Neo Eboraci et Cincinnati : Sumptibus et typis Friderici Pustet(There is also a t.p. in German; text is in two columns, one in Latin and the other in German). , 1907

box 19

Tomus Primus

box 19

Tomus Secundus

box 49

Tomus Tertius

box 50

Bible. Die Bibel oder die ganze heilige schrift des alten und neuen testaments, nach der deutschen uebersetzung Dr. Martin Luthers. Saint Louis : Concordia Publishing House , 1907

box 22

Bible. Sainte Bible, qui contient le vieux et le nouveau testament; revue sur les originaux, par David Martin, … New York : Société Bibliqué Americaine , 1908

box 6

Bible. Holy Bible, containing the old and new testaments: translated out of the original tongues; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1913

box 31

Bible. Holy Bible translated from the Latin vulgate diligently compared with Hebrew, Greek and other editions in divers languages The old testament first published by the English College at Douay, A.D. 1609. and the new testament first published by the English College at Rhemis, A.D. 1582. ... Published with the approbation of his eminence James Cardinal Gibbons Archbiship of Baltimore. Baltimore, New York: John Murphy , [1914?]

box 52

Bible. Modern reader's bible the books of the bible with three books of the Apocrypha presented in modern literary form edited with introductions and notes by Richard G. Moulton... New York: The MacMillan Company and London: MacMillan & Co., Ltd. , 1924

box 18

Bible. Concordia bilingual edition of the Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments in the English translation according to the authorized version and in the German translation according to the original Luther text. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House , 1925

box 46

Bible. Living bible being the whole bible in its fewest words. Edited from the King James version by Bolton Hall. New York: Alfred A. Knopf , 1928

box 32

Bible. Bible an American translation + the old testament translated by a group of scholars under the editorship of J.M. Powis Smith The new testament translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1931

box 7

Bible. English. 1932. Numberical bible; being a revised translation of the Holy Scriptures with expository notes: arranged, divided, and briefly characterized according to the principles of their numerical structure. New York: Loizeaux Bros. , [1932-56]

box 7

[1] The Pentateuch. [1956] c1903

box 7

[2] The covenant history -- Joshua to (2) Samuel, 5th ed. [c1932]

box 7

[6] Acts to (2) Corinthians. [n.d.]

box 7

[7] Hebrews to Revelation. 5th ed. [c1932]

box 39

Bible. Bible designed to be read as living literature the Old and New Testaments in the King James version 1936 this edition arranged and edited by Ernest Sutherland Bates. New York: Simon and Schuster , 1936

box 33

Bible. New analytical bible and dictionary of the bible authorized version with the addition in many instances, in brackets, of the more correct renderings of the American revised version, copyright 1929 by the international council of religious education, and used by permission. A system of helps comprising textual revision, ... Chicago: John A. Dickson Publishing Company , 1938

box 42

Bible. Digest of the bible the authorized version condensed for easy reading. By Peter V. Ross. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1938

box 46

Bible. College Bible -- a selection made by the School of Letters... The School of Religion at the State University of Iowa. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. , 1938

box 23

Bible. Complete Bible an American translation the Old Testament translated by J.M. Powis Smith and a group of scholars the Apocrypha and the New Testament translated by Edgar J. Goodspeed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1939

box 17

Bible. Holman edition The Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised The text conformable to that of the 1611, ... Philadelphia: A.J. Holman Company (Imprint date from Hodge note and History and facts concerning the order of the Eastern Star with scriptural quotations and references... revised in 1941 at beg. of bible). , [1941]

box 32

Bible. Holy Bible translated from the Latin vulgate and diligently compared with the Hebrew, Greek and other editions in divers languages... With notes by Bishop Challoner and also the encyclical letter "On the Study of Scriptures." by Pope Leo XIII... Table of references, maps and other helpful matter. New York: Douay Bible House , 1941

box 43

Bible. Quotable bible edited by Louis M. Notkin with a forward by Ralph W. Sockman. The old and new testaments in the King James version. New York: Samuel Curl, Inc. , 1941

box 46

Bible. Short Bible and American translation. Edited by Edgar J. Goodspeed and J.M. Powis Smith. Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1944

box 6

Bible. Holy Bible revised standard version containing the old and new testaments translated from the original tongues being the version set for A.D. 1611 revised A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1952. Toronto, New York and Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1946-1952 (Old testament t.p. has date 1952; New testament t.p. has date 1946)

box 47

Bible. Holy Bible authorized King James version published as the good leader bible. Easy-to-use references, complete indexes and charts, colorful illustrations, and other features... Chicago: John A. Dickson Publishing Company , 1946

box 41

Bible. New standard alphabetical indexed bible Holy Bible (authorized King James version) school and library reference edition -- containing the old and new testaments ... red letter edition pictorial pronouncing dictionary and other interesting instructive features ... family bible beautifully illustrated with colored paintings. Chicago: John A. Hertel Co.(on front cover Blue Ribbon Edition) , 1948

box 25

Bible. New translation of the bible containing the old and new testaments James Moffatt Hon. D.D. (St. Andrews; Oxford), D. Litt. New York and London: Harper & Brothers Publishers , 1950

box 42

Bible. Home bible arranged for family reading from the King James version by Ruth Hornblower Greenough with illustrations from designs by William Blake Decorations by Rudolph Ruzicka. New York: Harper & Brothers , 1950

box 33

Bible. Bible in pictures edited by the Rev. Ralph Kirby editorial consultants the Rev. Professor E.O. James, ... the Rev. C.C. Martindale, ... Professor S.H. Hooke, ... New York: Greystone Press , 1952

box 42

Bible. Holy Bible in brief the King James text edited and arranged by James Reeves... New York: Mentor Book published by the New American Library , 1954

box 20

Bible. Holy Bible a translation from the Latin vulgate in the light of the Hebrew and Greek originals authorized by the hierarchy of England and Wales and Hierarchy of Scotland. New York: Sheed & Ward, Inc. , 1956

box 6

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared & revised set forth in 1611 and commonly known as the King James Version. New York: American Bible Society , [1956] (date from note by Hodge in front of book)

box 24

Bible. Holy Bible from ancient eastern manuscripts containing the old and new testaments translated from Pesh*tta, the authorized Bible of the Church of the East by George M. Lamsa. Philadelphia: A.J. Holman Company , 1957

box 56

Bible. Pamphlet bible series; a commentary and complete text of the old and new testaments. New York: Paulist PressLibrary has: v.2-v.12; v.25-v.36 , 1960-

box 24

Bible. New world translation of the holy scriptures rendered from the original languages by the New World Bible Translation Committee -- revised A.D. 1961 -- New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., and Brooklyn: International Bible Students Association , 1961

box 23

Bible. Saint Joseph "New Catholic Edition" of the Holy Bible The Old Testament confraternity -- douay version ... and the New Testament confraternity edition ... New York: Catholic Book Publishing Company , 1962 (copyright on verso of N.T. 1948)

box 24

Bible. New world translation of the Hebrew scriptures rendered from the original languages by the New World Bible Translation Committee -- A.D. 1953-1960 -- New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., and Brooklyn: International Bible Students Association , 1963

box 43

Bible. New Saint Joseph simplified bible "The Heart of the Bible" -- the most important texts of each book of the holy bible in the official confraternity version, modern format and with short helpful notes edited by Rt. Rev. John E. Steinmueller, ... and Mother Kathryn Sullivan, ... New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co. , 1963

box 43

Bible. Shortened arrangement of the holy bible revised standard version edited by Robert O. Ballou. Philadelphia: Published by A.J. Holman Company for J.B. Lippioncott Company , 1964

box 44

Bible. Anchor Bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc.(Mixed Set incomplete; 39 volumes 2 copies of v.15) , 1964-1978

box 44

[1, 5-9, 12-17]

box 45

[17a-18, 20-21, 23-24a, 26, 29-29a, 31-32, 34-34a, 36-38, 40-41a]

box 46


box 25

Bible. Amplified bible containing the amplified old testament and the amplified new testament. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House , 1965

box 6

Bible. Oxford annotated bible with the apocrypha revised standard version with an introductory article the number, order, and names of the books of the bible. Herbert G. May and Bruce M. Metzger, editors. New York: Oxford University Press , 1965

box 6

Bible. Westminster study bible the Holy Bible revised standard version containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 revised A.D. 1881-1885 and A.D. 1901 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1952... New York and Glasgow: Collins' Clear-Type Press , 1965

box 50

Bible. Jerusalem bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1966

box 6

Bible. New English bible. S.l.: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press , 1970 (on verso of t.p. printed in the United States of America)

box 33

Bible. Restoration of original sacred name bible containing the old and new testaments the restoration of Original Sacred Name Bible is designed to restore to the scriptures the sacred name of the MOST HIGH and his son from the sacred original on the basis of the Rotherham version revised by Missionary Dispensar Bible Research. Buena Park, CA and Winfield, AL , 1970

box 24

Bible. New world translation of the holy scriptures rendered from the original languages by the New World Bible Translation Committee -- revised 1970 c.e. -- New York: Watchover Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc., and Brooklyn: International Bible Students Association , 1970

box 47

Bible. Jerusalem bible illustrations by Salvadore Dali. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1970

box 49

Bible. Saint Joseph edition of the new American bible translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources by Members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America. ... New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co. , 1970

box 6

Bible. Holy Bible revised standard version containing the old and new testaments with the Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical books and ecumenical edition. New York, Glasgow, London, Toronto, Sydney, Auckland: Collins , 1971-1973 (Old Testament t.p. has date 1973; New testament t.p. dated 1971 second edition)

box 1

Bible. Holy Bible illustrated containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised King James version 1611. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest Association, Inc. , 1971

box 23

Bible. New world translation of the holy scriptures rendered from the original languages by the new world bible translation committee -- revised 1971 c.e. -- New York?: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc., and Brooklyn: International Bible Students Association , 1971

box 26

Bible. King James II version of the bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Associated Publishers and Authos Inc. , 1971 (on verso of t.p. second edition)

box 6

Bible. American standard bible text edition. Carol Stream, Ill.: Creation House, Inc. , 1972

box 25

Bible. Holy Bible old and new testaments in the King James version translated out of the original tongues and with previous translations diligently compared and revised self-pronouncing. Nashville: Camden: New York: Thomas Nelson, Publishers. , 1972

box 41

Bible. Holy Bible in four translations. King James version -- New American standard bible -- New English bible -- The Jerusalem bible. New York: Iversen-Norman Associates , 1972 (also on Front of t.p. World-Wide Publications)

box 24

Bible. Living Bible Holman illustrated edition paraphrased with 550 full color illustrations including 53 maps and charts. Philadelphia: New York: A.J. Holman Company , 1973

box 26

Bible. New American standard bible. Carol Stream, IL: Creation House, Inc. , 1973

box 18

Bible. Special English-German edition The Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments and English text -- The Authorized King James Version German translation of Dr. Martin Luther with references and maps. Aylmer, Ontario and LaGrange, IN: Pathway Publishers , 1974

box 52

Bible. Bible in order all the writings which make up the bible, arranged in their chronological order according to the dates at which they were written, or edited into the form in which we know them; seen against the history of the times, as the bible provides it. With introductions and notes Edited by Joseph Rhymer Jerusalem bible version. London: Darton, Longman & Todd , 1975

box 22

Bible. Interlinear bible Hebrew/English. Jay P. Green, Sr. ed. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House , 1976-1983

box 22

v. I Genesis - Ruth , 1976

box 22

v. II Samuel - Psalm 55 , 1976

box 22

v. III Psalm 56 - Malachi , 1978

box 22

v. III Psalm 56 - Malachi , 1983

box 22

v. IV New Testament , 1979

box 6

Bible. New English bible with the Apocrypha Oxford study edition. Samuel Sandmel general editor... New York: Oxford University Press , 1976

box 54

Bible. New American bible translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources by members of the Catholic Biblical Association of America Sponsored by the Bishops' committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Nashville, TN: Memorial Bibles International, Inc.Bible in cedar box. , 1976

box 6

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments with the apocryphal/Deutercanonical books new revised standard edition. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press , 1977

box 37

Bible. Andrew's Holy Bible for the layman -- Dallas: B and B Foundations, Inc. , 1977

box 18

Bible. Holy Bible new international version containing the old and new testaments. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Bible Publishers , 1978

box 26

Bible. Holy Bible the new King James version containing the old and new testaments. Carmel, N.Y.: Guideposts , 1982

box 43

Bible. Reader's digest bible condensed from the revised standard version old and new testaments General editor Bruce M. Metzger... Pleasentville, N.Y., London, Montreal, Sydney, Cape Town, Hong Kong: Reader Digest Association , 1982

box 50

Bible. King James version The Reese chronological bible the authorized edition of the original work by Edward Reese. Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers , 1982

box 48

Bible. Possibility thinkers bible. The new King James version positive verses for possibility thinking highlighted in blue. Nashville, Camden, New York: Thomas Nelson Publishers , 1984

box 48

Bible. New world translation of the holy scriptures with references rendered from the original languages by the New World Bible Translation Committee -- revised 1984 -- Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc. , 1984

box 26

Bible. St. Jerome edition the catholic study bible today's English version with Deutercanonicals/Apocrypha. Nashville: Camden: New York: Catholic Bible Press a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers , 1985

box 52

Bible. New Jerusalem Bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1985

box 26

Bible. New world translation of the Holy Scriptures rendered from the original languages by the new world translation committe -- revised 1984 -- Brooklyn, N.Y.: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. International Bible Students Association , [1986]

box 18

Bible. Holy Bible containing the old and new testaments translated out of the original tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command authorized King James Version with explanatory notes and cross references to the standard works of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Salt Lake City: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints , 1987

box 50

Bible. Webster bible. Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Book House , 1987

box 22

Bible. Holy Bible international children's bible new century version. Dallas, London, Sydney, Singapore: Word Publishing , 1988

box 24

Bible. Everyday Bible New Century Version clearly translated for life. Carmel, N.Y.: Guideposts , 1988

box 35

Bible. Catholic one year bible arranged in 365 daily readings the living bible a thought-for-thought translation with Deuterocanonical Books. Wheaton, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., and Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division , 1988

box 25

Bible. Holy Bible contemporary English version. New York: American Bible Society , 1995

box 42

Bible. Selections. Stepping stones -- the complete bible narratives brought together chronologically in the text of the King James version edited and arranged by John Thomas Clark. New York: Grosset & Dunlap , 1954

box 42

Bible. Selections. Reader's bible a narrative selections from the King James version edited with an introduction and ntoes by Roland Mushat Frye. Princeton: Princeton University Press , 1965

box 31

Bible. O.T.? (Beginning of title in Greek) ... vetus testamentum, ex versione septuaginta interpretum. Juxta exemplar vaticanum, ex editione holmesh et Lamberti Bos. Tom .I Glasguæ : Ex Prelo Academico; Impenis Rivingtons & Cochran, Longman, Hurst & Soc., G. & W. B. Whittaker, R. Priestley, Et. G. Cowie & Soc., Londini : Bell & Bradfute, Et. A. Black, Edinburgi , 1822

box 31

Tom. I

box 31

Tom. II

box 2

Bible. O.T. Collateral Bible; or, A key to the Holy Scriptures: in which all the corresponding texts are brought together in one view, and arranged in a familiar and easy manner. Philadelphia, John Lavel and Samuel F. Bradford , 1826-1829

box 2

v.II, pt.I whole number 5;-- in paper wrappers , 1827

box 2

v.II, pt.III? whole number 7;-- in paper wrappers , 1828

box 2

v.II, pt.IV whole number 8;-- in paper wrappers , 1828

box 2

v.III, pt.II whole number 11 -- in paper wrappers

box 2

v.III, pt.? bottom of wrapper gone

box 2

[v.1?] Philadelphia, Samuel F. Bradford-- bound , 1826

box 2

v.III; -- bound , 1828

box 2

[?] no t.p. -- bound

box 50

Bible. O.T. Old testament, arranged in historical and chronological order, (on the basis of Lightfoot's chronicle) in such a manner, that the books, chapters, psalms, prophecies, &c. &c. may be read as one connected history, in the words of the authorized translation. With notes and copious indexes. By the Rev. George Townsent, M.A. ... Boston: Perkins and Marvin and Philadelphia: Henry Perkins , 1838

box 31

Bible. O.T. (lacks title page from Genesis to Job) [S.l.: s.n. , 1850-?]

box 25

Bible. O.T. Old Testament a new translation by James Moffatt D.D., D.Litt., M.A. (Oxon) Vol.I Genesis - Esther. London: Hodder and Stoughton , [1923] (Date from note by Hodge)

box 25

Bible. O.T. Old testament a new translation by James Moffatt D.D., D.Litt., M.A. (Oxon) Vol.II Job - Malachi. London: Hodder and Stoughton , [1924] (Date from note by Hodge)

box 25

Bible. O.T. Old testament an American translation by Alexander R. Gordon, Theophile J. Meek, J.M. Powis Smith, Leroy Waterman Edited by J.M. Powis Smith. Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1927

box 25

Bible. O.T. Holy Bible the old testament Volume I, Genesis - Nehemiah revised standard version translated from the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 ... Toronto: New York: Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1952

box 25

Bible. O.T. Holy Bible the old testament Volume II, Esther - Malachi revised standard version translated from the original tongues being the version set forth A.D. 1611 ... Toronto: New York: Edinburg: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1952

box 42

Bible. O.T. Old testament authorized catholic edition abridged from the holy bible sponsored by the Episcopal Committee of the Confraternity of Chritian Doctrine ... New York: Guild Press , 1963

box 26

Bible. O.T. Old testament complete with annotations by Rev. Joseph A. Grispino, S.M., S.S.L. The text is the new translation sponsored by the Episcopal Committee of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for the books Genesis to Ruth, Job to Sirach, ... New York: Guild Press , 1965

box 23

Bible. O.T. Old testament of the Jerusalem Bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1966

box 6

Bible. O.T. New English bible the Apocrypha. Lower half of t.p. missing. On verso of t.p. Delegates of the Oxford University Press and the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press , 1970

box 41

Bible. O.T. (Beg. of t.p. is in Hebrew) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia quae antea cooperantibus A.Alt, O. Eißfeldt, P. Kahle ediderat R. Kittel Editio funditus renovata ... Stuttgart : Deutsche Biblegesellschaft , 1976/77

box 52

Bible. O.T. Good news bible today's English version old testament. New York: American Bible Society , 1978

box 42

Bible. O.T. Konkordanz zum Hebraischen alten testament nach dem von Paul Kahle in der Biblia Hebraica edidit Rudolf Kittel besorgten Masoretischen Text ... Zweite Auflage. Stuttgart : Deutsche Bibelgesllschaft , 1981

box 55

Bible. O.T. Genesis. First book of Moses called Genesis. Yellow Springs: OH: Kahoe and company(no. 29 of 950). , 1929

box 55

Bible. O.T. Genesis. Book of Beginnings a new translation of the Book of Genesis with special attention to its poetic values. By Alexander Marlowe. Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company , 1938

box 27

Bible. O.T. Genesis. Path through Genesis by Bruce Vawter, C.M. New York: Sheed & Ward , 1965

box 27

Bible. O.T. Genesis. In the Beginning a new English rendition of the book of Genesis translated with commentary and notes by Everett Fox. New York: Schocken Books , 1983

box 27

Bible. O.T. Exodus. Now these are the names a new English rendition of the Book of Exodus translated with commentary and notes by Everett Fox. New York: Schocken Books , 1986

box 52

Bible. O.T. Samuel I. & II. Books of I. & II. Samuel, translated out of the original Hebrew: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. Oxford: Printed at the University Press for the British and Foreign Bible Society , 1896

box 52

Bible. O.T. Kings I & II. Books of I. & II. Kings, translated out of the original Hebrew: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his Majesty's special command. Oxford: Printed at the University Press for the British and Foreign Bible Society , 1896

box 55

Bible. O.T. Psalms. Psalms in modern speech and rhythmical form by John mcFadyen, D.D. ... Third edition. London: James Clarke & Co. , [1917-1945?]

box 23

Bible. O.T. Psalms. Psalms for the modern man today's English version. New York: American Bible Society , 1970

box 55

Bible. O.T. Song of Solomon. Song of songs translated from the original Hebrew with an introduction and explanations by Hugh J. Schonfield, D.S. LITT. [S.l.]: New American Library , 1959

box 56

Bible. O.T. Proverbs. Proverbs. New York: American Bible Society , [1900-1980?]

box 55

Bible. O.T. Ecclesiastes. Ecclesiastes with an essay by Irwin Edman. New York: Odyssey Press , 1946

box 55

Bible. O.T. Isaiah. Isaiah in modern speech by John Edgar McFadyen, D.D. ... second impression. London: James Clarke & Co. , [1918]

box 52

Bible. O.T. Isaiah. Book of the prophet Isaiah, translated out of the original Hebrew; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command. London: British and Foreign Bible Society printed at the Cambridge University Press , 1920

box 55

Bible. O.T. Isaiah. Book of Isaiah from the new international version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Bible Publishers , 1975

box 55

Bible. O.T. Jeremiah and Lamentations. Book of Jeremiah including the Lamentations with fifteen drawings in black and white by William Saphier. New York: Privately Printed by Nicholas BrownReview copy of 975 printed. , 1921

box 31

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title page in Greek) ... Novum Testamentum Graece ex recenione Jo. Jac. Greisbachii cum selecta lectionum varietate. Tomus Primus. Lipsiae : Sumtibus G.J. Cöschen[Lacking both covers] , 1805

box 29

Bible. N.T. Bible. Neue testament unser Herrn und Heilandes Jesu Christi, nach der deutschen uebersetzung D. Martin Luthers. Mit kurzen inhalt eines jeden capitels, und ... Fünfte Auflage. Germantaun : Michael Billmener , 1808

box 15

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: Translated out of the original Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. London: Stereotyped for the Bible Society at Philadelphia by T. Rutt2 copies. , 1812

box 14

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Mathew Carey , 1813

box 38

Bible. N.T. Novum testamentum domini nostri Jesu Christi, ob frequentes omnium interpretationum hallucinations, nunc demum ex codice Alexandrino, adhibitis etiam compulribus mss. Variantibusque lectionibus editis, summa fide ac cura Latine Redditum. ... Londini : Typis Schulze et Dean, Prostat apud J. Bohn , 1817

box 38

Bible. N.T. Apocryphal New Testament, being all the Gospels, Epistles, and other pieces now extant, attributed in the first four centuries to Jesus Christ, his apostles, and their companions, and not included in the New Testament by its compilers. translated from the original tongues, and now first collected into one volume. London: Printed for William Hone , 1820

box 31

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title page in Greek. Title page is also torn) ... Greek according to Griesbach; the English upon the basis of the fourth London edition of the improved Version, with an attempt to further improvement from the translations of Campbell, Wakefield, Scarlett, Macknight and Thom*oson. In two volumes. By Abner Kneeland, ... Vol. II. Philadelphia: Published by the Editor, no. 31 ... William Fry, Printer , 1823

box 15

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Newly Translated out of the original Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: Samuel Wood and Sons and Samuel S. Woods & Co. in Baltimore , 1825

box 21

Bible. N.T. Scientia Biblica: containing the new testament, in the original tongue, with the English vulgate, and a copious and original collection of parallel passages, printed in words at length in three volumes. London: W. Booth , 1825

box 21


box 21


box 21


box 31

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title in Greek) ... Novum testamentum Graece. Recognovit atque insignioris lectionum varietatis et argumentorum notations subiunxit Gerog. Christian. Knappius. Tomus I complectens quatuor evangelia. Editio Quarta. Halis Saxonum : E. Libraria Orphanotrophei , 1829

box 12

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Printed and Published by William F. Geddes , 1831

box 31

Bible. N.T. Clavis Novi Testamenti philological usibus scholarum et iuvenum theologiae studiosorum accommodata auctore Christiano Abrahamo Wahl, ... editio minor. Lipsiae: Joh. Ambrosium Barth , 1831

box 31

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title in Greek) ... novum testamentum, cum versione Latina Ariæ Montani, in quo tum selecti versiculi 1900, ... auctore Johanne Leusden, New York: Stereotyped by Hammond Wallis & Co. Published by Collins & Hannay(Spine title: Leusden's Gr. & Lat. Testament). , 1831

box 21

Bible. N.T. Novi testamenti libri historici Græce. Textui recepto appsitæ sunt lections griesbachianæ. Cum commentaries D. Christiani Theophili Kuinoel, ... Londini: Jos. Booker , 1835

box 21

Tomus 1

box 21

Tomus 2

box 12

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: G.W. Mentz , 1836

box 12

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Joseph McDowell , 183? (date from note by Hodge)

box 21

Bible. N.T. Novum testamentum Graece Post Ioh. Aug. Henr. Tittmannum Olim Prof. Lips. Ad Fidem Optimorum librorum secundis curis recognovit lectionumque varietatem notavit Augustus Hahn in Acad. Vratisl. Prof. Editio Americana stereotypa curante Edvardo Robinson, S.T.D. Neo-Eboraci: Sumtibus et typis Leavitt et Trow and Bostoniae: Apud Crocker et Brewster , 1835

box 51

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Stereotype edition. New York: Stereotyped by A. Chandler for the American Bible Society , 1838

box 2

Bible. N.T. Polyglott school testament the new testament of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: with the marginal readings, compendious annotations, and the copious references to parallel and illustrative passages. Keene, N.H.: J. & J.W. Prentiss , 1840

box 2

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Philadelphia: Thomas Sutton , 1842

box 40

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society(Also in German parallel columns and a German t.p.) , 1849

box 54

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1850

box 52

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1854

box 50

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title in Greek) Novum testamentum ad exemplar millianum, cum emendationibus et lectionibus Griesbachii, præcipuis vocibus ellipticis, thematibus ominum vocum difficiliorum, atque locis scripturæ parallelis. Studio et Labore Gulielmi Greenfield. ... Philadelphia: H.C. Peck & Theo. Bliss. , [1856?]

box 11

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1857

box 54

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, translated out of the original Greek, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible SocietyIn 4 vols. Only v.1 has t.p. rest of vols are continuously paged. , 1857

box 54

1. St. Matthew - St. Mark p. 180

box 54

2. St. Luke - St. John p. 181-382

box 54

3. Acts I - I Corinthians p. 383-572

box 54

missing v. 4

box 55

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the original Greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1860

box 54

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Savioiur Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1861

box 4

Bible. N.T. New Testament, from the family bible: with brief notes and instructions, designed to give the results of critical investigation. and to assist common readers to understand the meaning of the Holy Spirit in the inspired word. ... New York: American Tract Society , 1862

box 31

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title in Greek) ... nove testamentum Graece e codice vaticano edit Valentinus Lock, SS. Theologiae Doctor et Professor in Lyceo Amvergensi. Ratisbonae: Typis ac Sumptibus Georgh Joseph Manz , 1862

box 31

Bible. N.T. (Beg. of title in Greek) ... novum testamentum, cum versione Latina Ariæ Montani, in quo tum selecti versiculi 1900, ... auctore Johanne Leusden, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott & Co(Spine title: Leusden's Greek & Latin Testament) , 1863

box 54

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1863

box Box before 25

Bible. N.T. New Testament: the authorized English version; with introduction, and various readings from the three most celebrated manuscripts of the original Greek text. by Constantine Tischendorf. Tauchnitz edition, volume 1000. Leipzig: Bernard Tauchnitz , 1869

box 54

Bible. N.T. New testament: translated from the Greek text of Tischendorf, by George R. Noyes, D. D. ... Boston: American Unitarian Association , 1869

box 40

Bible. N.T. Neue Testament unsers herrn heilanders Jesu Christi, nach der Deutschen uebersetzung Doctor Martin Luthers. Mit kurzen inhalt eines jeden Capitels, ... Lancaster: Johann Bär's Göhnen , 1871

box 53

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Savious Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible SocietyIn 4 vols. Only 1st vol has t.p. pages are continuously numbered. , 1871

box 53

1. St. Matthew - St. Mark p. 180

box 53

2. St. Luke - St. John p. 181-382 (2 copies)

box 53

3. Acts I - II Corinthians p. 383-612

box 53

4. Galatians I - Revelations p. 612-844

box 52

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1886

box 51

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1891

box 53

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1891

box 55

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1896

box 56

Bible. N.T. Potter's standard editions the new testament of our lord and saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the original Greek and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. Chicago: Thompson & Thomas , [ca. 1905]

box 37

Bible. N.T. New Testament narrative in the words of the sacred writers translated according to the vulgate with notes, maps, chronological and other tables. Eighteenth edition. London: St. Anselm's Society , 1912

box 26

Bible. N.T. New Testament a new translation by James Moffatt D.D., D. Litt. Yates professor of new testament Greek and Exegesis, Mansfield College, Oxford. New York: Hodder and Stoughton and George H. Doran Company , [1913?] (Date from a note by Hodge)

box 25

Bible. N.T. New testament a new translation by James Moffatt, D.D., Litt., M.A. (Oxon) together with the authorized version parallel edition with introduction. New York and London: Harper & Brothers, Publishers , 1922

box 37

Bible. N.T. Shorter Bible the New Testament translated and arranged by Charles Foster Kent ... Third edition, revised. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1922

box 51

Bible. N.T. New testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1924 (date printed, and note by Hodge)

box 6

Bible. N.T. New covenant commonly called the new testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated out of the Greek being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1881 newly edited by the new testament members of the American revision committee A.D. 1900 standard edition. New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons , 1929

box 23

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated from the Latin Vulgate, ... and first published by the English College at Rheims, A.D. 1582 with annotations, references and an historical and chronological index. New York: Cincinnati: Chicago: San Francisco: Benziger Brothers , 1931

box 23

Bible. N.T. Layman's New Testament being the Rheims text as first revised by Bishop Challoner edited with introduction & notes by Father Hugh Pope, O.P., S.T.M., D.S.S. New York: Sheed & Ward Inc. , 1934

box 11

Bible. N.T. National edition of the new testament of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ conformable to the edition of 1611 commonly known as the authorized or King James version. Philadelphia: National Bible Press , 1941

box 11

Bible. N.T. National edition the new testament of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ conformable to the edition of 1611 commonly known as the authorized or King James version. Philadelphia: Gideons by the National Bible Press , 1943

box 25

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ translated into English from the original Greek by the very rev. Francis Aloysius Spencer, O.P. Edited by Charles J. Callan, O.P. and John A. McHugh O.P. New York: Macmillan Company , 1945

box 22

Bible. N.T. New Testament an American translation by Edgar J. Goodspeed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press(21st impression) , 1946

box 46

Bible. N.T. New Testament and American translation by Edgar J. Goodspeed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press , 1948

box 25

Bible. N.T. New Testament a translation in the language of the people by Charles B. William. Chicago: Moody Press , 1950

box 6

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in eight 32-page portions, with over 500 illustrations and with 14 maps. New York: American Bible Society , [1953]

box 11

Bible. N.T. National edition the new testament of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ conformable to the edition of 1611 commonly known as the authorized or King James version. Philadelphia: Gideons by the National Bible Press , 1957

box 6

Bible. N.T. New English bible New Testament. Cambridge: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press , 1961

box 6

Bible. N.T. New English bible New Testament. S.l.: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press(Printed in the United States of America). , 1962

box 23

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Holy Land edition The words of our Lord printed in red ... New York: C. Wilderman Co., Inc. , 1952

box 37

Bible. N.T. Children's 'King James' Bible new testament. Evansville, IN: Modern Bible Translations, Inc. , 1960

box 6

Bible. N.T. New Testament of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ revised standard version with pictures. New York: American Bible Society , [1963]

box 6

Bible. N.T. New English bible New Testament second edition. S.l.: Oxford University Press and Cambridge University Press(Printed in the United States of America) , 1970

box 23

Bible. N.T. Saint Joseph edition of the New Testament of the new American Bible the New Testament translated from the original languages with critical use of all the ancient sources by members of the Catholic Bible Association of America ... New York: Catholic Book Publishing Co. , 1972

box 30

Bible. N.T. Simple English Bible New Testament American edition. New York: International Bible Publishing Company , 1981

box 11

Bible. N.T. New testament of our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ with Psalms and Proverbs translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared commonly known as the authorized (King James) version. S.l.: Gideons International , 1982

box 8

Bible. N.T. Gospels. Greek. Harmonies. 1885. [Harmony of the four gospels in Greek. Newly arranged, with explanatory notes, by Edward Robinson. Revised edition, ... additional notes by M.B. Riddle. Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin(t.p. is missing. Information from OCLC) , [1885]]

box 8

Bible. N.T. Gospels. Harmonies. 1958. Knox. Gospel story: based on the translation of the four Gospels by Ronald Knox, arranged in a continuous narrative with explanations by Ronald Cox. New York: Sheed and Ward , [1958]

box 23

Bible. N.T. New Testament of the Jerusalem Bible. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1966

box 32

Bible. N.T. Greek-English New testament. Third Printing. Washington, D.C.: Christianity Today , 1976

box 32

Bible. N.T. Original New Testament Edited and translated from the Greek by the Jewish historian of Christian beginnings Hugh J. Schonfield. San Francisco: Harper & Row, (Cambridge, Hagerstown, New York, Philadelphia, London, Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Singapore, Sydney) , 1985

box 56

Bible. N.T. Matthew. Gospel according to Saint Matthew: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1897

box 56

Bible. N.T. Matthew. Gospel according to St. Matthew: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , [1910]

box 56

Bible. N.T. Matthew. New testament {text in Hebrew} containing the record of the new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah. Revised by the revision committee of the Hebrew Christian Alliance. Chicago: Hebrew Christian Alliance of America , 1940

box 55

Bible. N.T. Mark. Gospel according to Saint Mark: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1910

box 55

Bible. N.T. Mark. Gospel of St. Mark a new translation in simple English from the Nestlé Greek text by Edward Vernon. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1952

box 56

Bible. N.T. Luke. Gospel according to Saint Luke: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. By his majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. London: British and Foreign Bible Society printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode , [ca. 1920s?]

box 53

Bible. N.T. John. Gospel according to Saint John: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , 1885

box 56

Bible. N.T. John. Emphasized gospel of John. Sixth million. Framingham, MA: Miss Elizabeth Merriam , [ca. 1920?]

box 56

Bible. N.T. John. Gospel according to Saint John. New York: American Bible Society , [1942?]

box 55

Bible. N.T. John. Revelation of John. Translated by Richard Lattimore. New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc. , 1962

box 56

Bible. N.T. John. Gospel according to John the new international bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Bible Publishers , 1973

box 56

Bible. N.T. Acts. Acts of the apostles: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society , [1913?]

box 56

Bible. N.T. Acts. Acts of the apostles: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. New York: American Bible Society Printed for Massachusetts Bible Society, Boston , 1913

box 56

Bible. N.T. Acts of the apostles translated out of the original Greek: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by his majesty's special command appointed to be read in churches. London: British Foreign Bible Society printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. , [ca. 1920-1940?]

box 55

Bible. N.T. Acts. Good news in action the acts of the apostles from the new testament in today's English version. Third edition. New York: American Bible Society , 1971

box 56

Bible. N.T. Revelation of St. John the divine: translated out of the original Greek; and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by his majesty's special command. Appointed to be read in churches. London: British Foreign Bible Society printed by Eyre and Spottiswoode , [ca. 1920s?]

box 55

Bible of the sick from the French of Frederic Ozanam. New York: Christian Press Association Publishing Company , 1901

box 36

Bílek, František. Chvála svaté lásky. Brno : "Zvlášstní vydání" , 1992

box 55

Book of proverbs from the authorized King James version with an introduction by Robert Gordis and decorations by Valenti Angelo. New York: Heritage Press , 1963

box 55

Brandt, Leslie F. Epistles / now. St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House , 1976

box 56

Bread of life the gospel of John New King James version gospel notes for witnessing and Christian living. Bradenton, FL: Bible Alliance, Inc. , 1982

box 8

Burton, Ernest de Witt. and Edgar Johnson Goodspeed. Harmony of the synoptic Gospels in Greek. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1920, ninth impression , 1945

box 8

Burton, Ernest de Witt. and Edgar Johnson Goodspeed. Harmony of the synoptic Gospels in Greek. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, c1920 and 1947, fourteenth impression , 1961

box 55

Burton, Ernest de Witt. Records and letters of the Apostolic age the new testament Acts, Epistles, and Revelation in the version of 1881 arranged for historical study. Eleventh edition. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1909

box 55


box 28

Cambridge history of the Bible the west from the reformation to the present day. Edited by S.L. Greenslade, F.B.A. Cambridge: University Press , 1963

box 46

Clark, George W. New harmony of the four gospels in English, according to the common version. Arranged with explanatory notes, brief description of customs, words, names, ... Philadelphia: American Baptist Publication Society , 1870 (entered as an act of congress 1870)

box 29

Codex Alexandrinus (Royal Ms. 1 D v-viii) in reduced photographic facsimile Printed by order of the Trustees sold at the British Museum and ... Oxford: University Press , 1915-1975

box 29

Old testament part I Genesis - Ruth , 1915

box 29

Old testament part II 1 Samuel - 2 Chronicles , 1930

box 29

Old testament part III Hosea - Judith , 1936

box 29

Old testament part IV I Esdras - Ecclesiasticus , 1957

box 55

Cohen, Mortimer J. Pathways through the bible. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America , 1968

box 8

Combined Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Russell Hubbard White, comp., arr., publ. Boston: Russell Hubbard White2 copies: 1 gilt edges; 2 dj & red edges. , 1947

box 37

Complete sayings of Jesus the King James version of Christ's own words without interpolations and divested of the context, ... assembled and arranged in sequence by Arthur Hinds ... Philadelphia and Toronto: John C. Winston Company , 1955

box 8

Concise Gospel and the Acts. Christopher J. Christianson comp. Plainfield, N.J.: Logos International , 1973

box 29

Copenhagen Haggadah Altona-Hamburg, 1739 The artist: Uri Pheibush son of Isa Eisik Segal Facsimile edition introduction by Chaya Benjamin (title information from insert about the book, publisher information printed in book.) New York: Rizzoli International Publications , 1986

box 7

Coutler, Frederick R. Harmony of the gospels in modern English: The Life of Jesus Christ. Monterey, CA: York Publishing Company , 1974

box 7


box 55

Dale, Alan T. Winding quest the heart of the old testament in plain English. New York: Morehouse-Barlow Co. , 1973

box 41

Davidson, Benjamin. Analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon. : Every word and inflection of the Hebrew old testament arranged alphabetically and with grammatical analysis ... Grand Rapids, MI: Regency Reference Library Zondervan Publishing House , 1970

box 46

De Vinck, José. Words of Jesus with key readings from new and old testaments translated from the Greek. Allendale, N.J.: Alleluia Press , 1977

box 41

Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic literature compiled by Marcus Jastrow, Ph.D. Litt. D. with an index of scriptural quotations. Brooklyn, N.Y.: P. Shalom Pub, Inc. , 1967

box 41

Vol. I

box 41

Vol. II

box 41


box 55

Elkins, R. William. Song of songs. New York: Washington: Hollywood: Toronto: Vintage Press , 1956

box 8

English harmony of the four evangelists, generally disposed after the manner of the Greek of William Newcome, archbishop of Armagh: ... Philadelphia: Published by Kimber and Conrad , 1809

box 56

Epitome Historiæ Sacræ, auctore Lhom*ond. Editio nova prosodlæ signis vocumque interpretatione adornata. Baltimore: Printed and Published by Kelly, Hedian & Piet , 1859

box 56


box 42

Fitzmyer S.J., Joseph A. Wandering Aramean collected Aramaic essays. Ann Arbor, MI: Edwards Bros., Inc.(Series title on pg. across from t.p. Society of Biblical Literature Monograph series. ... No. 25) , 1979

box 56

Four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in the authorized version. Oxford: Oxford University Press and London: Humphrey Milford , [ca. 1930?]

box 55

Four prophets Amos • Hosea • First Isaiah • Micah a modern translation from the Hebrew by J.B. Phillips. New York: Macmillan Company , 1963

box 55


box 56

Genuine Epistles of the Apostolical fathers; St. Barnabas, St. Ignatius, St. Clement, St. Polycarp, the Shepherd of Hermas, and the martyrdoms of St. Ignatius and St. Polycarp, written by those who were present at their sufferings. ... First American from the third London edition. New York: Printed and Published by Southwick and Pelsue , 1810

box 24

Gill D.D., John. An exposition of the Old Testament: in which are recorded the origin of mankind, of the several nations of the world, and of the Jewish nation in particular: the lives of the patriarchs of Israel: ... in six volumes. Philadelphia: Printed by William W. Woodward , 1817

box 24


box 24


box 24


box 30

God's Bible an epochal revelation sponsored by God's angels Part IV, Papers 120-196 The life and teachings of Jesus. [S.l.]: Pathways, Inc. , [1995?]

box 27

Goodman, Philip. Hanukkah anthology. Philadelphia: Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society , 1992

box 56

Gospel of Jesus Vicenza: Edizioni Istituto S. Gaetano , 1970

box 56

Gospel of Jesus Vicenza: Edizioni Istituto S. Gaetano , 1970

box 7

Gospel treasury and extraordinary harmony of the four evangelists. The text in the words of the authorized version, arranged according to Greswell's harmonia evangelica. with analytical introductions; scripture illustrations; notes, selected from the most approved commentators; practical reflections; ... compiled by Robert Mimpriss. Second edition. New York: Dodd & Mead, Publishers , [ca. 1965] (date from Hodge note in front cover, also at bottom of pg. vii)

box 29

Gospels of Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke & John together with the Acts of the apostles according to the authorized King James version with reproductions of religious paintings in the Samuel H. Kress collection arranged and printed by Richard Ellis for the Samuel H. Kress Foundation. New York: Samuel H. Kress Foundation , 1959

box 28

Green, William Henry. Higher criticism of the Pentateuch. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1902

box 28


box 35

Harper, William R. Hebrew word lists to accompany "Hebrew Vocabularies" Chicago: American Publication Society of Hebrew , 1884

box 37

Heart of the Bible its promises. Cleveland, OH: Edwards & Franklin Co. , 1927

box 8

Heim, Ralph Daniel. Harmony of the Gospels for students. Philadelphia: Muhlenberg Press , 1947 (Third Printing)

box 27

Hertz, Dr. Joseph H. Authorized daily prayer book revised edition Hebrew text, English translation with commentary and notes. New York: Bloch Publishing Company , 1959

box 56

Hinkle, John Ray. Our salvation bible. [S.l.]: John Ray Hinkle , 1954

box 56

His great apostle the life and letters of Paul using the text of the American standard revised bible. Prepared by Sydney Strong, William E. Barton Theodore G. Soares ... Chicago and New York: Hope Publishing Company , 1906

box 56

His life a complete story in the words of the four Gospels prepared by William E. Barton, Theodore G. Soares, Sydney Strong using the text of the American standard revised bible. Chicago and New York: Hope Publishing Company , 1940

box 55

Huck, Albert. Synopsis of the first three gospels. Albert Huck Ninth edition. Revised by Hans Lietzmann English edition by F.L. Cross. New York: American Bible Society , [1954?]

box 55


box 37

Interwoven gospels and gospel harmony the four histories of Jesus Christ blended into a complete and continuous narrative in the words of the Gospels, with a complete interleaved harmony ... compiled by Rev. William Pittenger ... seven thousand. New York: Fords, Howard & Hulbert , 1893

box 37


box 27

James, Fleming. Hale lectures personalities of the Old Testament. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1939

box 8

Jefferson, Thomas. Life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth extracted textually from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French and English. Washington: Government Printing Office , 1904

box 46

Jesus the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, combined in one narrative and rendered in modern English. New York: Simon and Schuster , 1973

box 56

Job for the modern man today's English version. New York: American Bible Society , 1971

box 1

Johnson, Allan Chester, ed. John H. Scheide biblical papyri Ezekiel. Princeton: Princeton University Press , 1938

box 56

Jordan, Clarence. Cotton patch version of Paul's epistles. New York: Koinonia Publication Association Press , 1968

box 56


box 27

Knopf, Carl Sumner. Old Testament Speaks. New York: Thomas Nelson and Sons , 1933

box 56

Koinonia "Cotton Patch" version. Americus, GA, Clarence L. Jordan , 1963-1969

box 56

A Letter to the Christians in Atlanta or First Corinthians(2 copies) , 1968

box 56

A Second Letter to the Christians in Atlanta or the Second Corinthiansand (2 editions) , 1963, 1968

box 56

Letters to -- The Georgia Convention (Galatians) and to the Alabaster African Church

box 56

Smithville, Alabama (Philippians)and (2 editions) , 1966, 1968

box 56

Letter to God's people in Columbus (Colossians) and Selma (I & II Thessalonians) , 1968

box 56

Letters to young Christains (I & II Timothy and Titus)(2 copies) , 1967

box 56

Letter to the Hebrews or A first-century manual for church renewal(2 copies) , 1963

box 56

Letters from partners Rock, Jack & Joe I & II Peter; I, II, III John & Jude(2 copies) , 1969

box 56

Letters to Ephesians and Philemon(2 copies) , 1968

box 56


box 56

Lattimore, Richmond. Four gospels and the revelation newly translated from the Greek. New York: Washington Square Press published by Pocket Books , 1981

box 56

Lipsky, Abram. Nārrātiōnēs biblicae from the vulgate by Abram Lipsky ... and Harry E. Wedeck ... New York: Newark: Boston: Chicago: San Francisco: Silver, Burdett and Company , 1928

box 38

Looman, T.M. Handboek der Bijbelverklaring voor huisgezinnen; de voornaamste gedeelten der heilige schrift in geschiedkundigen zamenhang uitgelegd, ... derde deel. Oude testament: van rehabeam tot aan den ondergang van het Rijk van Israël. Te Amsterdam: Bij H. Höveker(Series title? Christelijke Huis-Bibliotheek. III. Pg. opposite of t.p.) , 1855

box 38


box 20

MacKnight, James. New literal translation, from the original Greek of all the apostolical epistles. With a commentary, and notes, philological, critical, explanatory, and practical. To which is added, a history of the life of the apostle Paul. A new edition, to which is prefixed, an account of the life of the author. New York: M.W. Dodd , 1850

box 56

McFayden, John Edgar. Wisdom books (Job, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes) also Lamentations and the Song of Songs in modern speech and rhythmical form. Second edition. London: James Clarke & Co. , [ca. 1920]

box 2

Mertens-Fonck, Paule. Glossary of the Vespasian Psalter and hymns Pt. One -- the verb. Paris: Société d'Édition , 1960

box 2


box 48

Nave's topical bible a digest of the holy scriptures more than twenty thousand topics and subtopics, and one hundred thousand references to the scriptures, embracing all doctrines of biblical religion, and all phases of ancient society history, ... Nashville, TN: Southwestern Company , 1962

box 48


box 46

Old testament pseudepigrapha. Edited by James H. Charlesworth. New York, London, Toronto, Sydney and Auckland: Doubleday , 1983-1985

box 46

Vol. 1 Apocalyptic literature and testaments , 1983

box 46

Vol. 2 Expansions of the "Old testament" and legends, wisdom and philosophical literature, ... , 1985

box 56

Olson, Genevieve P. Life of Christ Jesus in bible language from the King James version of the bible. Fifth edition, revised Wheaton edition. Bonita, CA: Genevieve Olson , 1966

box 55

Osgoodby, William W. Matchless life the records of the four evangelists arranged in a continuous narrative. Rochester, N.Y.: Life Publishing Company , 1913

box 39

Oursler, Fulton. Greatest book ever written the old testament story. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc. , 1951

box 39


box 48

Pamplona bibles by François Bucher a facsimile compiled from two picture bibles with martyrologies commissioned by King Sancho el Fuerte of Navarra ... New Haven and London: Yale University Press , 1970

box 48

Vol.1 Text

box 48

Vol.2 facsimile

box 38

Pandzhabsko-russkiĭ solvar'. Sostavili I.S. Rabinovich I I. D. Serebriakov. Okolo 35 000 solv. ... Moskva: Gos. Izd-vo inostrannykh I natsional'nykh solvareĭ , 1961

box 31

Papyrus Bodmer II Evangile de Jean chap 1-14. Cologny-Genéve: Bibliothéque Bodmer , 1956

box 31

Papyrus Bodmer XIV-XV Evangiles de Luc et Jean Tome I XIV: Luc chap. 3-34. Cologny-Genéve: Bibliothéque Bodmer(In box w/ Tome II) , 1961

box 31

Papyrus Bodmer XIV-XV Evangiles de Luc et Jean Tome II XV: Jean chap. 1-15. Cologny-Genéve: Bibliothéque Bodmer(In box w/ Tome I) , 1961

box 31

Papyrus Bodmer II Supplément Evangile de Jean chap14-21 Nouvelle édition agumentée et corrigée ... Cologny-Genéve: Bibliothéque Bodmer , 1962

box 56

Paul's letters to the Corinthians -- The twentieth century translation. Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible Publishers , 1961

box 1

Pietersma, Albert. Chester Beatty biblical papyri IV and V a new edition with text-critical analysis. Toronto: Samuel Stevens Hakkert and companyAmerican studies in papyrology volume sixteen. , 1977

box 1

Posner, Raphael and Israel Ta-Shema eds. Hebrew book an historical survey. New York: Leon Amiel Publisher , 1975

box 55

Psaumes de David. Proverbes de Salomon. Ecclésiaste. A Toulouse: De l'Imprimerie d'Antoine Navarre , 1819

box 55


box 55


box 56

Readings from the holy scriptures prepared for the use of Jewish personnel of the army of the United States Published under the direction of the chief of chaplins. Washington: Government Printing Office , 1942

box 46

Robertson, A.T. Harmony of the gospels for students of the life of Christ based on the Bradus Harmony in the revised version. New York, Evanston and London: Harper & Row , 1950

box 46

Robertson, Edward. Harmony of the four gospels in English. According to the common version. Newly arranged, with explanatory notes. Tenth edition. Boston: Crocker & Brewster and London: Wiley & Putnam , 1862

box 27

Romer, John. Testament the Bible and history. New York: Henry Holt and Company , 1988

box 27


box 30

Sanders, Henry A. and Carl Schmidt. Minor prophets in the Freer Collection and the Berlin Fragment of Genesis. New York: Macmillan Company and London: Macmillan and Company , 1927

box 56

Schouppe, F.X. Explanatio Psalmorum qui juxta breviarium romanum in officiis communibus recitantur, ad mentem optimorum interpretum adornata. Bruxellis: Ex Officinia Catholica M.Closson et Sociorum and Buscoduci: Apud W. Van Gulick and Parisiis: Apud Bray et Retaux , [1880?]

box 55

Serendipity New Testament for groups Second edition New international version. Littleton, CO: Serendipity HousePreview Sample: Gospel of Matthew & Mark. , 1987

box 56

Sermon on the mount. New York: Chicago: Los Angeles: American Bible Society , [ca. 1960]

box 55

Sermon on the mount being the fifth, sixth & seventh chapters of the gospel according to St. Matthew in the King James version of the holy bible. Chicago: Monastery Hill Bindery , 1968

box 20

Smith, Wade C. Little Jetts Bible. Boston: W.A. Wilde Company , 1942

box 55

Steinmueller, John E. Gospel harmony using the confraternity edition of the new testament. New York and Chicago: W.H. Sadlier Inc. , 1942

box 8

Stevens, Wm. Arnold and Ernest Dewitt Burton. Harmony of the Gospels for historical study an analytical synopsis of the four Gospels in the version of 1881. New York: International committee of Young Men's Christian Associations , 1903

box 8

Stevens, Wm. Arnold and Ernest Dewitt Burton. Harmony of the Gospels for historical study an analytical synopsis of the four Gospels. Tenth edition, revised. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons , 1911

box 8


box 46

Treasures from the bible. New York: Essential Books , 1944

box 46


box 46


box 55

Van Loon, Hendrik Willem. Story of the bible. New York: Boni & Liveright , 1923

box 55


box 37

Walks and words of Jesus a paragraph harmony of the four gospels originally compiled by Rev. M.N. Olmsted to which is added "New saying of Jesus" revised edition. New York: Oxford University Press , 1918

box 38

Watkins, I.B. Scripture history; containing all the important passags in the Old and New Testaments. Designed for the improvement of youth, and as a useful introduction to the knowledge of the sacred scriptures. In twenty five numbers, embellished with 200 engravings. ... New York: Printed and published by Thomas Kinnersley , 1829

box 38

Vol. 1

box 38

Vol. 2

box 22

Watts, Isaac. Psalms of David, imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship. Walpole, N.H.: Isaiah Thomas & Co. , 1812

box 8

Wilkins, Chester. Four Gospels arranged as a single narrative. Berne, Ind.: Light & Hope Publishing , 1974

box 56

Wisdom for modern man Proverbs and Ecclesiastes from the old testament in today's English version. New York: American Bible Society , 1972

box 37

Words of Jesus as recorded in the authorized King James version of the Holy Bible comprising the words of Jesus with authoritative adaptations of the Bible text of which the are a part arranged and chronicled by Gilbert James Brett ... Chicago: Consolidated Book Publishers , 1965

box 37


box 37


box 22

Young, Robert. Young's literal translation of the Holy Bible. Revised edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House , [1976-1977?]

box 22


The Carleton Hodge collection: books from the library of Carleton Hodge (2024)
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