| Technology articles from Purplepedia (2024)

In Terraria, Corruption is one of the evil biomes naturally generated in your world, or you can artificially create it. Once the Corruption biome has generated in your world, it can spread to other areas unaffected by the biome. If you find a Corruption biome in your world, you might be wondering how far it can spread.

So, how far can Corruption spread in Terraria? The Corruption biome can spread to the entire world if you do not restrict the spread. The spread is usually slow during the “pre-Hardmode” and can be easily contained. However, when you defeat the “Wall of Flesh” and trigger “Hardmode,” the spread becomes more aggressive. If you fail to take any measures to stop the spread, the Corruption biome will infect every corruptible item in your world, basically turning your world into a Corruption biome.

Evil biomes in Terraria spread to other areas of the world by infecting corruptible items. The spread usually starts immediately when the evil biome is generated in your world, and the speed is determined by which level of difficulty you are on.

When you are playing Terraria, the first sign that the Corruption biome has generated in your world is the trees will be colored half purple. The Corruption biome will spread, and other corruptible items like grass will turn purple. If the Corruption biome has infected a certain portion of your world, you might be wondering how far the biome can spread on your world.

The Corruption biome can spread to the entire world in Terraria if you do not stop the conversion. In Terraria, the Corruption biome spread occurs when the already infected items convert the corruptible items around them. However, not all items in your world are corruptible, but they do not stop the spread but rather slow it down.

During “pre-Hardmode”, the spread is very slow and only happens through grass and thorny bushes. When “Hardmode” is activated, the spread’s speed increases and becomes even harder to control the conversion of pure items to their corrupt variants.

How far or fast the Corruption biome spreads upon your world depends on your actions to restrict the spread. Some areas will remain pure if you take certain measures like chlorophyte ores and Chlorophyte Bricks to prevent the spread.

However, if you continue playing the game without taking any measures to restrict the spread, your entire world could be converted into a Corruption biome. If your entire world is converted into a Corruption biome, the game will become more difficult since the enemies become stronger and hazards become more difficult to complete.

In “pre-Hardmode,” the Corruption biome spread slowly and only through infected grass and thorny bushes. When an infected grass is close to a “Pure” grass, the Corruption biome will check if it is corruptible and proceed to infect it if it is not. It is recommended to begin containing the Corruption biome spread before defeating the “Wall of Flesh” for the first time.

Killing the “Wall of Flesh” will initiate “Hardmode”. Once “Hardmode” begins, the Corruption biome spread becomes more aggressive and will cover the entire world if you fail to restrict the spread.

In “Hardmode,” the Corruption spread becomes more aggressive and can also happen on blocks or bricks. It is not recommended to start containing the Corruption biome spread since you do not have the right tools. You have to wait for some time to get better tools to kill the enemies and stop the biome spread.

However, try to obtain the tools faster since the Corruption biome is spreading on your world at a faster rate. You can obtain better weapons by smashing several “Altars” to find “Hardmode ores,” which you can use to make better weapons.

Suppose you want to play Terraria in a world covered in the Corruption biome, but it takes some time for the Corruption biome to generate naturally. In that case, you can create an artificial Corruption biome and let it spread upon your world. You can use Corrupt Seeds, Unholy Water, or the Clentaminator with Purple Solution.

However, some features, such as Chasms, Demon Altars, and Shadow Orbs, will be missing because they only appear if the Corruption biome is naturally generated. Other evil biomes like Crimson can replace the artificially created Corruption biome on world generation. If you want to continue playing with the Corruption biome, you can use the Corrupt Seeds to replace the other world-generated evil biome.

Can You Get Rid of Corruption in Terraria?

In Terraria, the evil biomes can cause you difficulty once they cover almost your entire world. Some gamers prefer to play with the evil biomes, while others prefer to play in a “Pure” world. If your world is converted into a Corruption biome in Terraria, you might be wondering if you can get rid of it.

There are several methods you can use to get rid of the Corruption biome in Terraria. The first method of getting rid of the Corruption biome in your world is to use the Clentaminator to purify all the infected items. You can also use Chlorophyte Ores and Chlorophyte Bricks to prevent the Corruption biome from spreading.

You can also get rid of the Corruption biome by digging holes and filling them with non-corruptible items, which will prevent the further spread of the biome. However, you need to start preventing the Corruption biome from spreading early. Removing all the infected items will be difficult and expensive if it has covered your entire world.

To completely get rid of Corruption in Terraria using the Clentaminator, first dig holes, each with a horizontal distance of one hundred and twenty blocks. Glide down each hole using “Wings” or a “Featherfall potion” while spraying the Clentaminator on both sides.

The Clentaminator will purify every infected item it gets close to, but it is recommended that you should not clentamitate everything. You should leave an area with the Corruption biome, which you can later use for a boss fight or starting a Vile Mushroom farm. Since the Corruption biome spreads, you should put measures to prevent it from spreading to areas you have purified.

The easiest and cheapest method of preventing Corruption biome in your world is digging holes and filling them up with non-corruptible items. Dig a horizontal hole that is six blocks wide and three blocks deep.

Find non-corruptible items and use them to fill the holes you dug across the areas infected by the Corruption biome. It takes up to eighteen blocks to fill up the holes; therefore, you should raft enough blocks to fill up all the holes you have dug in your world. Some of the items that cannot be infected by Corruption include clay, ash, and silt.

One of the most expensive ways of removing the Corruption biome from your world is by blowing it up. Depending on the size of the area covered by the Corruption biome, you can clear the biome with any explosive. However, if the area converted to Corruption biome on your world is too big, it will cost you more to obtain explosives to destroy the infected items.

It can be cheaper if you have a “Bomb Statue”; however, this method will leave a giant hole in your world. If you do not want to spend money and time rebuilding your world, you should try a cheaper and less demanding way of getting rid of the Corruption biome.

Another method of preventing Corruption biome is spreading the Hallow biome in the pure zones. The Hallow biome can prevent all the evil biomes, including Corruption, from spreading on your world. However, the Hallow biome will start to spread across the other areas not infected by the Corruption biome.

When the Hallow biome spreads over a significant area of your world, Hallow monsters will start to spawn. It can be annoying and difficult to defend yourself from Hallow and Corruption enemies. You also have to craft or obtain appropriate tools to survive in a Hallow biome.

You should also start taking the prevention measures during the “pre-Hardmode” because once you initiate “Hardmode” after defeating the “Wall of Flesh,” the Corruption spread becomes more aggressive. The biome will infect more items, and it will be more expensive and time-consuming to clear all the evil biomes.

If you have already defeated the “Wall of Flesh,” you can slow down the speed of the Corruption’s spread by half by defeating “Plantera.” Slowing down the speed will give you enough time to collect the necessary items from cleansing the infected items and preventing the Corruption biome from spreading outside a containment area.

Do I Need To Stop Corruption in Terraria?

Corruption is a hazardous purple biome that presents dangers whenever it generates in your world. As an evil biome, you have to fight numerous enemies whenever you venture into Corrupt zones. The Corruption biome can spread to other areas, and you might be wondering if there is a need to stop it.

You do not have to stop Corruption in Terraria, but it is recommended that you do if you want to have an easier time playing the game. The monsters found in the Corruption biome include the Eater of Souls, Devourer, Corrupt Goldfish, Corruptor, Eater of Worlds, Slimer, and Clinger.

If you do not want to play in the Corruption biome, you can cleanse all the infected zones using the Clentaminator. You can also keep a certain area in your world infected in the Corruption biome and use certain measures to prevent the biome from spreading to “Pure” zones.

The Corruption biome has a fifty percent chance of generating in three random locations (On PC or console) and (on mobile) two random locations. Once a Corruption biome is generated upon your world, it will spread by infecting nearby corruptible items like grass.

Monsters will start to spawn in the Corruption biome and attack you whenever you get close to them. You have to get the appropriate tools to defeat the enemies, or else it will become difficult to survive in your world as the Corruption biome continues to spread.

If you do not want to spend a lot of time fighting Corruption monsters, you can cleanse the infected zone using the Clentaminator. The Clentaminator is a tool with the sole purpose of removing the Corruption biome. You need to purchase the Clentaminator from the Steampunk merchant for 25 Silver.

You have to spend more on the Clentaminator if the area infected by the Corruption biome is big. Different kinds of Clentaminator solutions can be used to turn a particular biome into a different biome; therefore, before you confirm the purchase, ensure you have selected the solution to remove the Corruption biome.

Keeping some zones infected with the Corruption biome is recommended, but you have to contain it properly to prevent it from spreading. Leaving a part of your world infected with Corruption biome is important because you might need the biome later. If you decide to keep a Corruption biome zone, you should put in measures to prevent the biome from spreading to areas you have cleansed.

One way of containing a Corruption biome zone is using holes covered in non-corrupted items to prevent corrupted items from infected “Pure” items. Ensure that the holes are dug around the Corruption zone and are six blocks wide and three blocks deep. Fill up the holes with non-corruptible, which will prevent the infectious items from converting the “Pure” items because the Corruption biome cannot infect anything more than six blocks away.

Wrap Up

The Corruption biome is dangerous but can be fun if you control how it spreads. The spread usually starts slow during the “pre-Hardmode,” The speed doubles after activating “Hardmode.” Once you are in “Hardmode,” you need to control how the Corruption biome spread on it will spread to your entire world. If you want to get rid of the Corruption biome in your world, you can use the Clentaminator or the Purification Powder.

However, you should start the process early in the game (pre-Hardmode) before the spread becomes too aggressive. If you do not want to get rid of all the Corruption biome, you should select a Corruption zone and dig holes and fill them with non-corruptible items to keep it contained. You should ensure that you fill up all holes near or inside the Corruption to avoid falling in them. Falling into a hole in a Corruption zone is always fatal because of fall damage.

| Technology articles from Purplepedia (2024)


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  • CORE. CORE is a multidisciplinary aggregator of OA research. ...
  • ScienceOpen. ...
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  • arXiv e-Print Archive. ...
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Computer science research databases
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  • IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
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Library Article Databases
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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.