Ranking Oaths From Worst to Best | Fandom (2024)

Oaths are one fo the cornerstones for your character in deepwoken. They quite literally define your character build because of the requirements. As such I'll be sure to try and define the good and bad oaths

Disclaimer: Every oath is good in its own way. Don't hate on me just cause I have an opinion please :)

Oathless: Easily the worst oath but not by a lot. Allow me to explain:

Health passive on the card

Two wildcard mantras, which not only no other oath does, but you can also use for any attunement/ability you want, leading to a more versatile build.

Jetstriker: Already a big step up, but not by a lot compared to those ahead of it. Allow me to explain:

Abusing the dashing critical gets predictable the more you do it. Running is useless in chime, and if you get lightning streamed from a cliff, you're done.

It does have some advantages

Fatherless B******s

Linkstrider: Now we're getting into the good ones. Linkstrider is a VERY underrated support, especially for silenthearts, or underlevelled teammates. Great support for chime 2s and 3s especially in hell mode.

It does have its downsides though, being its tethers are hard to put on mid-combat, as well as the abilities not having a great combat advantage while solo.

Visionshaper: This one is a VERY interesting one. Mainly because its lore counterpart would solo the entirety of etris with little difficulty (Apart from the Lord Regent, and even off his throne you would probably win against him), this has a lot of strengths, such as the ability to majorly overwhelm people when used correctly, but it has its own downsides such as the mantras needing a VERY long windup time, but the payoff is more than satisfactory if you can get it off. (Also blindseers are your only weakness)

Which Brings me to:

Blindseer: This one is interesting, mainly because it's one of the best PvE oaths in the game, as well as one of the best oaths for mantra spammers given tranquil circle now follows you. This makes it, tied with Sacred field THE BEST defense for L2 and hell mode BY FAR. Doesn't have too many other combat advantages though. Shame.

Silentheart: This is an interesting one. It has a lot of abilities that other slots lack, and the lack of a mantra slot and a more talents in turn make for an excellent talent booklet giving you the ability to easily break 500 hp without the best gear in the game. It DOES have its own downsides, being the fact that it can't ever get ANY gem procs, you'll have to rely on your own mix-up talents in order to get any sort of edge in the fight, which only people skilled at M1-ing can do.

Contractor: This oath is interesting. Any contractor will know that Contractor works best with shadowcast, with some exceptions as to the build you want. Frankly, this oath can either be worthless or absolutely BUSTED depending on what you do with it. Great for PvP, but not as much for PvE

Now we're in the top 3, and for this, they won't be categorized. Each of these oaths is S tier in their own way, and can't really compare to one another.

Starkindered: Can you say this oath isn't great for something? Yes and no. Air dashes are more powerful, Fire mantras are more powerful, Great combos, great abilities, and overall REALLY fun to use this oath. Its only downside is you can only do SO MUCH with fire and starkindered that it can be held back.

Arcwarder: One of the best oaths in the game. its great for everything. Travel, defense, offense, AOE, and its real only downside is the fact that you can't use the abilites without doing L1 of the depths, which in and of itself is hard. The only real downside being once you get the timing down for each of the oath mantras, it becomes a little bit easy to predict.

Dawnwalker: Two words: Speed and Light. Not only does this have INSANE damage reduction for shadowcasters, but also has AMAZING value as a speed unit and combo extender if you need one. Blinding Dawn is also an AMAZING pressure tool if you know how to use it. Catch someone lacking? Half their health. Gone.

Now here are some tips for each oath

Oathless: Abuse the mantra slots. Gain versatility in your build.

Jetstriker: Try fighting?

Linkstrider (Fr this time): Use this with a high HP slot, and NEVER go as a linkstrider alone. This build will shine if you go with a friend or in multitudes in chime. Just.. Make sure you're able to hold your own.

Visionshaper: Abuse clones, and the realm. Any visionshaper dmg in the realm is **TRUE**. Abuse this fact to hell and high water.

Blindseer: Use tranquil circle if someone tries to get close. If you're fighting a silentheart, switch it out for something else, or have another combat mantra ready. Use sightless beam if they keep getting close and feinting. Great pressure tool.

Silentheart: BREAK HIS ANKLES!!! If he can't run, he can't get away.

Contractor: Abuse the counter, and use equalizer AFTER they vent.

Starkindered: Use something that gives your build strengths: Either attunementless or Flamecharm should be ideal

Arcwarder: When making your build put your points in something you'll want to use, or focus on weapons ONLY. You are going to have to make sacrifices with the stats in this build. Be sure to adapt to them as you progress.

Dawnwalker: Use blinding dawn up close and cancel just like rapid punches.

Radiant kick is one of the best mantras in the game, so just be sure to use it.

Starkindered Arcwarder Dawnwalker

Ranking Oaths From Worst to Best | Fandom (2024)
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