Brood X Cicadas Are Gone, But Their Eggs Will Hatch Soon And Rain Nymphs From Trees (2024)

Brood X Cicadas Are Gone, But Their Eggs Will Hatch Soon And Rain Nymphs From Trees (1)

A female cicada laying eggs on a small tree branch. John Lill/Courtesy of George Washington University hide caption

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John Lill/Courtesy of George Washington University

Gone are the noisy choruses, bug-gut-strewn sidewalks, and ice-cream shop cicada specials.

But Brood X cicadas are still with us — billions of tiny eggs lying ready to hatch in the treetops above. You can easily see the evidence all over the D.C. area: dead leaves at the ends of tree branches where the female insects have cut incisions to lay eggs.

"Driving around town, it's really obvious," says John Lill, a biology professor at George Washington University. "I'm sure people have seen it and maybe not known what it is."

The phenomenon is known as "flagging." It's especially prominent in oak and beech trees, many of which now have brown clusters of dead leaves dotting their canopies. In most trees it's completely harmless.

Brood X Cicadas Are Gone, But Their Eggs Will Hatch Soon And Rain Nymphs From Trees (2)

Clusters of dead leaves in this large oak tree indicate cicada eggs. John Lill/Courtesy of George Washington University hide caption

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John Lill/Courtesy of George Washington University

The presence of flagging is a good indicator of areas where Brood X periodical cicadas are likely to come out the next time they emerge, 17 years from now. But Lill says the absence of flagging does not mean a tree isn't hosting cicada eggs.

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"It just means that the plant is more tolerant of the wound or is able to tolerate the damage a little bit better," Lill says.

Female cicadas use a sharp, tubular organ called an ovipositor to slice open tree branches — they prefer small branches that are about as thick as a pencil. In each slice, the cicada will lay a nest of 20 to 30 eggs, then move a little ways up the branch and lay another nest. One female can lay as many as 500 eggs.

Cicada eggs take 6 to 8 weeks to develop, so Lill says, they will likely begin hatching in late July or early August. At that point tiny nymphs will drop from the treetops, burrow into the ground below in search of roots to feed on, while awaiting their next emergence in 2038.

Cicada eggs are tiny, white, and oblong. Though small, they are easily visible to the naked eye — the size of a few grains of sand.

Brood X Cicadas Are Gone, But Their Eggs Will Hatch Soon And Rain Nymphs From Trees (3)

A cicada nest. John Lill /Courtesy of George Washington University hide caption

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John Lill /Courtesy of George Washington University

Lill says cicadas are generalists, in terms of which tree species they lay their eggs in. In fact, he says he's seen cicadas trying to lay eggs in non-tree species, plants like blackberry brambles.

"There were so many of them and they were just trying lay all their eggs before they expired," Lill says.

While flagging damage is purely cosmetic on most trees, it can cause damage in small trees or vines, says Doug Pfeiffer, an entomology professor at Virginia Tech.

"If you were a fruit grower, orchardist or vineyard manager, you could be having a problem with that flagging in your fruit trees or grape vines," says Pfeiffer.

In small saplings, the pencil-diameter branches targeted by cicadas are vital parts of the tree.

"Instead of just being way out on the periphery of the canopy, those are supposed to be the weight bearing limbs of the tree when the tree grows up. So that affects the future growth of the tree," Pfeiffer says.

"I haven't seen an actual economic analysis done by an economist, but I know it can be a significant economic impact for individual growers," Pfeiffer says.

There are 15 different broods of periodical cicadas spread across the eastern U.S., emerging in cycles of either 13 or 17 years. They live most of their lives as nymphs underground, feeding on tree roots. In the spring of their 13th or 17th year, the nymphs emerge, shed their exoskeletons, spread their wings and mate in a noisy frenzy before laying eggs and dying.

In the D.C. area, reports of the Brood X emergence varied widely this year: some areas, particularly the suburbs, were overrun by cicadas, while other areas saw few if any of the insects. But Lill says it appears to have been a successful emergence.

In many cases, the patchiness of the emergence has to do with females being choosy about which habitat to lay eggs in. Lill says they appear to prefer areas with full sun exposure, especially forest edges.

"The idea is that when their offspring hatch later this summer and drop to the ground, those trees, they're banking on those trees being vigorously growing trees for the next 17 years for their offspring," Lill says. "These trees are likely to grow well because they're not light-limited."

Lill says many suburbs are ideal for cicadas because, while there are many trees, there are also lots of gaps in the tree canopy that let in sunlight. Urban parks can also be great for cicadas. But because they like the sun, you'll find more cicadas — and more flagging — in sunny edge areas, rather than dense forested parkland. So, for example, more flagging can be seen along the roadway of Rock Creek Parkway and Beach Drive than in the heavily shaded heart of Rock Creek Park.

"Essentially we humans have created the ideal habitat for these periodical cicadas," Lill says. "By fragmenting some of these forests, we've created tons of edge habitat, which is the preferred habitat for the periodical cicadas."

There is a way to help cicadas out: if you see dead branches that have fallen from trees — caused by cicada-induced flagging — don't throw out the branches. They likely contain cicadas nests, Lill says (you can look for the half-inch-long incisions). Instead, move the dead branches to a spot where they'll stay moist.

"If you relocate them to a shady spot near some woody vegetation, they should be able to hatch and dig in and start the next generation," Lill adds.

"If you want to be a friend of cicadas, that's one way to do it."

This story is from, the local news website of WAMU.

Brood X Cicadas Are Gone, But Their Eggs Will Hatch Soon And Rain Nymphs From Trees (2024)


What happens when cicada eggs hatch? ›

After six to 10 weeks, cicada young called nymphs hatch from the eggs and immediately fall to the ground.

What happens to cicadas when it rains? ›

"When it rains, the cicadas simply hunker down and wait for it to pass. If they are in trees, they will have some protection from the rain. Their wings can shed rain, so it is not as detrimental as it might seem," he said.

What do cicada eggs look like on trees? ›

Female cicadas lay between 400 and 600 eggs in different places on trees. The eggs may rest on branches or twigs. Each egg looks like a small grain of rice. The eggs take six to ten weeks to hatch.

Do cicadas hatch out of the ground? ›

Shortly after a 17-year cicada nymph hatches from its egg, it burrows into the ground, where it spends—as its name suggests—the first 17 years of its life. When it emerges from the ground, it lives only four to six more weeks—just long enough to mate, fertilize or lay eggs, and start the cycle all over again.

What do cicada hatchlings look like? ›

Six-eight weeks later, cicada nymphs hatch from the eggs and fall to the ground. A nymph is a baby cicada that looks small, white, and, mushy. They are very light, so they don't get hurt when they fall. Nymphs have legs for digging, which they use to dig into the ground, staying near the roots of plants.

How long does it take a cicada egg to hatch? ›

When will the cicada eggs hatch? After the female lays her eggs on a tree branch, cicada eggs will hatch after about six weeks. After this, the young will fall to the earth, burrow about two feet underground and find tree roots to suck on.

Do cicadas predict rain? ›

Arizona cicadas' loud, buzzing mating call often gets noticed just before the start of summer monsoon rains, but that's just a coincidence.

Can cicadas damage trees? ›

Cicadas damage fruit trees in two ways. The most obvious damage is done during the egg-laying process. The slits made by the female in small branches severely weaken them; often the weakened branches snap off in the wind. Under a heavy attack a majority of the branch tips may be killed.

Where do cicadas go at night? ›

The adults die off while the cicada offspring fall to the ground and burrow into the soil, until they re-emerge 13-17 years later. Periodical cicadas are least active at nighttime when they are most likely up in the trees, and early in the morning when the temperature is cooler.

What do cicadas nymphs look like? ›

Young nymphs appear almost translucent and look a little bit like termites. As they mature, they begin to look more like their adult form but more subdued in color, keeping the nymphal cream hue. Newly hatched cicada nymphs are translucent or cream-colored and look like ants or termites.

What does a cicada killers nest look like? ›

Cicada killers dig tunnels about a foot deep in the earth that can span 70 inches in length. Within these tunnels, cicada killers create several chambers in which to store their eggs and food sources. You can spot a cicada killer nest by the distinctive entrance holes that measure about a ½ inch wide.

How do you find a cicada killer nest? ›

If you see holes in sand or soil, and especially if there are piles of sand or soil next to those holes, you might have a cicada killer nest in your midst.

What is the lifespan of a cicada? ›

Despite their name, annual cicadas generally live for two to five years—though some species may live longer—and their brood life cycles overlap, meaning that every summer, some cicadas emerge.

What is a cicada predator? ›

Birds, bears, fish, raccoons, and every other animal that can eat insects will stuff themselves on this cicada feast. The second reason why cicadas spend so long underground is that many insect populations are largely regulated by highly specialized predators (for example, parasitic wasps).

What time of day do cicadas come out? ›

The cicadas begin emerging, mainly at night, once the soil warms to about 64 degrees Fahrenheit (17.8 degrees C), according to George Washington University entomologist John Lill. These nymphs crawl up any hard surfaces - tree trunks, fences, vegetation - and molt into adult winged cicadas.

What is the life cycle of a cicada eggs? ›

After mating, the female makes slits in tree branches and lays eggs there. The eggs hatch six to seven weeks later, the nymphs fall to the ground and go into the soil, and the cycle begins again. The adult periodical cicadas only live three to four weeks.

What happens after a cicada comes out of its shell? ›

At the end of the cicada emergence, the cicadas will die and drop to the ground.

Do cicadas really sleep for 17 years? ›

Cicadas do not hatch out of the ground (they hatched from eggs in tree branches 17 years ago), and they do not “hibernate” (they are underground actively feeding). When they moult to become adults, the correct term for that process is “ecdysis.”

What is the birth cycle of cicada? ›

After mating, the female cuts V-shaped slits in the bark of young twigs and lays about 20 eggs in each, for a total clutch of 600 or more. After about 6–10 weeks, the eggs hatch and the nymphs drop to the ground, where they burrow and begin another 13- or 17-year cycle.

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